The Green New Deal has burst onto the American stage, spurring more conversation about – and aspiration for – ambitious climate policy than at any point in at least a decade.

I’m glad to see it. Suddenly, climate is on the agenda, and ambitions for climate policy are higher than perhaps at any point in US history.

The Green New Deal is a resolution right now. It’s a statement of intent. It hasn’t yet progressed to the point of detailed policy proposals or legislation, which means now is the time to help craft its details.

For the last decade I’ve written about and publicly spoken about innovation in clean technology and ways to address climate change. I’ve helped to lead a climate-fighting citizen ballot initiative in my home state of Washington, invested in clean energy startups, and advised on climate and clean energy policies of other nations.

In that time, my views on what sort of climate policies have the most impact and have the greatest chances of winning over voters have changed. Policies that I thought were foolish a decade ago have revealed themselves to have been farsighted and effective. Policies I thought were powerful and elegant have, on closer inspection, revealed themselves to be far less effective than I believed. And the history of climate and energy legislation and attitudes in the US has demonstrated a path to getting new and more ambitious policies passed.

What I’ve learned over time is that good climate policy has 3 key traits:

  1. It has a large, meaningful impact on carbon emissions and climate change.
  2. It specifically tackles the problems that aren’t already being tackled by the market.
  3. It actually gets passed into law.

All of that is compatible with a Green New Deal. Here’s what it could look like.

  1. Impact: Climate Change Isn’t Local. Good Policy Isn’t, Either.

The conventional wisdom on climate policy is straightforward. Every nation uses its policies to reduce its own emissions. This conventional wisdom is wrong. Carbon dioxide doesn’t honor national boundaries. Climate change is global. And the best climate policies have a global impact as well.

The US, overwhelmingly, is the country most responsible for climate change. The carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases we’ve emitted over the past decades are largely still in the atmosphere, still warming the planet. The world’s present and future emissions, though, are increasingly elsewhere. The US now accounts for just 15% of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.  And because the developing world is rising in energy consumption far faster than the US, American emissions will be an ever-smaller share each year.

That means that, despite the fact that the US is the largest overall contributor to climate change thus far, the US could completely eliminate its carbon emissions and barely affect the future course of climate.

This means we need a different strategy. It’s not enough to eliminate the US’s carbon emissions alone. Our goal has to be to drive down the whole world’s emissions.

The Most Effective Climate Policy in the World

How can the US drive down the emissions of other countries? We can do it by making clean technologies irresistible to the entire world. And there we can take a lesson from the most effective climate policy of all time – Germany’s early subsidies of solar and wind.

Solar panels and electricity-producing wind farms have been around for decades. Yet, for most of that time, they’ve been a far more expensive way to produce electricity than burning coal or natural gas. Germany changed that. Starting in 2010, Germany’s Energiewende legislation heavily subsidized solar and wind. That, in turn, drove utilities and home owners and corporations to purchase solar and wind. And that, in turn, made the technology cheaper. As prices fell, other nations – first European nations, then the US, and then China – jumped into the fray, enacting more ambitious policies that further brought down the price of solar and wind (and now batteries and electric cars).

Why did subsidies bring down the price of technology? Because industry scale leads to industry learning and innovation, and that, in turn, leads to lower cost ways to manufacture, deploy, and manage new technologies. We’ve seen this for a century. Almost all technologies improve via Wright’s Law, often referred to as the learning curve or the experience curve.  In the late 1930s, Theodore Paul Wright, an aeronautical engineer, observed that every doubling of production of US aircraft brought down prices by 13%.  Since then, a similar effect has been found in nearly every technology area, going back to the Ford Model T.

Electricity from solar power, meanwhile, drops in cost by 25-30% for every doubling in scale. Battery costs drop around 20-30% per doubling of scale. Wind power costs drop by 15-20% for every doubling.  Scale leads to learning, and learning leads to lower costs.

Germany began subsidizing solar and wind when they were extremely small scale industries, and their costs were quite high. Those subsidies drove German utilities, businesses, and home owners to purchase clean energy. That created a market. That, in turn, led solar and wind manufacturers to leap into the market, competing ruthlessly against one another to bring down their prices faster, offering the best product at the best price to customers.

By scaling the clean energy industries, Germany lowered the price of solar and wind for everyone, worldwide, forever.

The International Renewable Energy Agency finds that, between 2010 and 2019, the price of solar power, worldwide, has dropped by more than a factor of 5. The price of offshore wind power has dropped by a factor of three.

In just the past decade, solar power has gone from being uneconomical anywhere on earth without subsidies, to being cheaper than any fossil fuel electricity in the sunniest parts of the world. Building new solar is now cheaper than building new fossil fuel electricity plants in India, Chile, Mexico, Spain, and in sunny US states like Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and  Texas.

And because, in general, businesses, utilities, and consumers all around the world will deploy the cheapest energy they can, solar is now the fastest growing energy source around the world.

Happy? Good. Thank policy makers in Germany, and the US, and China – all of whom took action to bootstrap markets for solar and wind before they were cost-competitive.

The lesson for US climate policy is clear: The biggest impact we can have is by driving down the cost of technologies that reduce carbon emissions, to the point that clean technologies are cheapest way to provide the energy, food, and transportation that everyone around the world desires, and then spreading those technologies to the world. That means a mix of early-stage government R&D, government incentives to scale deployment in the private sector, and a very healthy dollop of private sector competition.

1 – As solar volume has grown, prices have dropped, leading to more growth.

Would the Green New Deal drive down the cost of clean technologies in a way that scales to the rest of the world? The current resolution is vague on exactly how the rapid decarbonization in the US would happen. One reason for concern is that the now-retracted Green New Deal FAQ released by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez specifically dismissed the idea that the private sector – even with government incentives – could pull off this decarbonization, and explicitly says that “Merely incentivizing the private sector doesn’t work”.

I agree in one sense – basic government R&D is a high-value investment, especially when the technologies we need to invent don’t even exist yet. The government has a vital role to play. At the same time, the incredible, unprecedented decline in cost of solar power, wind power, batteries, and electric cars has happened both because of early government R&D, and because private sector companies, incentivized by governments, have brought these technologies to market and been forced to compete with one another to provide the best technology at the lowest price. Ignoring this is to ignore what brought us the very best progress we’ve seen in cleaning up the way we produce energy.

The FAQ I reference has been retracted. The Green New Deal hasn’t yet become a detailed roadmap or legislation. As it does, I urge you, Green New Deal legislators and architects: Craft policies that create incentives to build and deploy clean technologies. Then use the market for what it’s good at: fierce competition that delivers ever-better products at ever-lower prices.

  1. Tackling the Hardest, Least-Solved Problems

The Green New Deal resolution is really quite comprehensive. It touches on almost every source of US emissions.

Even so, there’s a tendency for climate and energy wonks – and legislators – to focus on electricity and cars when discussing climate policy.

Electricity and cars aren’t our hardest problems. They’re both big chunks of our carbon emissions, yes. And they both need more policy to drive them home. (More on that down below.) They’re also the areas where we’ve made the most progress, with incredible declines in the price of clean electricity and electric vehicles that put us at the edge of a tipping point. We aren’t over the hump yet, but the solutions are here – and if we continue to push them with policy, we can decarbonize electricity and cars.

Our hardest climate problems – the ones that are both large and lack obvious solutions – are agriculture (and deforestation – its major side effect) and industry. Together these are 45% of global carbon emissions. And solutions are scarce.

Agriculture and land use account for 24% of all human emissions. That’s nearly as much as electricity, and twice as much all the world’s passenger cars combined.

Industry – steel, cement, and manufacturing – account for 21% of human emissions – one and a half times as much as all the world’s cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes combined.

Add industry, agriculture, and land use together and you have a very sticky, very difficult-to-improve 45% of carbon emissions.

By contrast, electricity and transportation are 39% of global emissions – nearly as big. The good news is that in electricity and transportation, we have momentum.

We do NOT have momentum in reducing the carbon emissions of industry and agriculture.

Decarbonizing Agriculture and Industry

The Green New Deal does, happily, mention these sectors. In agriculture, though, it avoids the biggest chunk of the problem: Livestock.

Livestock around the world – specifically cows, pigs, and other mammals – consume a tremendous amount of the world’s agriculture output. They drive the bulk of the deforestation around the world (which itself releases carbon into the atmosphere, and reduces forest land that could absorb carbon instead). And cows and pigs belch methane – a greenhouse gas that’s causes tremendously more warming than CO2 – about 100 times more in the first year, and 30 times more over the course of a century. Livestock in total produce about 15% of the world’s carbon emissions, as much as all transportation on land, air, and sea combined.

And the world’s appetite for meat is rapidly growing, with consumption expected to double in the next 40 or so years.

Cows should scare you more than coal.

In industry, meanwhile, steel and cement production both remain incredibly carbon intensive. We’ve learned to recycle steel using electricity, but making new steel from ore still involves the use of a tremendous amount of coal. (Theoretical ways to make steel without coal exist, but aren’t expected to be commercially viable for another 20 years.) We’re closer to technologies that could make cement without carbon emissions, but those technologies are still young, expensive, and haven’t been deployed to any significant degree. And the rest of industry – from manufacturing finished goods to making petrochemical products like plastics and lubricants – remains extremely carbon intensive.

These two sectors – agriculture and industry – are on path to be the two largest sources of carbon emissions in the world. And they’re the ones we have the fewest and least developed solutions for. The Green New Deal – or any serious climate policy – ought to focus first and foremost on R&D to develop methods for clean agriculture and clean construction and manufacturing; and then on incentives to deploy those clean methods, which will initially be extremely expensive, until they hit the scale to compete directly with dirty methods on cost alone.

What would a climate policy for agriculture and industry look like?  Let’s take a page from energy, where we have a one-two punch: 1) Agencies like the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy, ARPA-E, that funds early stage energy science and technology R&D; and 2) A breadth of state and national subsidies and incentives that help those technologies reach higher scale and lower costs.  

This one-two punch first invents technology (ARPA-E is modeled after the original ARPA, which created the foundations of the internet, originally called ARPANET), and then scales technology to the point that the new clean technology is cheaper than the alternatives.

We can use that one-two punch in agriculture and industry, by creating:

  1. An ARPA-A in the Department of Agriculture, tasked with finding a way to reduce the carbon emissions of agriculture broadly, and especially of livestock and meat. ARPA-A might fund research into:
    1. Radically increasing crop yields so farmers have less need to chop down forests to feed their animals.
    2. Technologies to eliminate the methane emissions of cows and pigs.
    3. Technologies to reduce the emissions of NOx (another incredibly powerful greenhouse gas) that’s produced by animal manure left on fields, and to a lesser extent by excess synthetic fertilizer.
    4. Real-time global deforestation monitoring technology, (perhaps in partnership with other agencies) to spot illegal deforestation as soon as it happens, and nip it in the bud.
    5. New alternatives to meat – from plants or stem cells – that might someday taste and feel as compelling as the real thing.
  2. Incentives to Deploy Clean Agriculture would be paired with the early-stage research of an ARPA-A.  Just-out-of-the-lab technologies to reduce agricultural greenhouse emissions are likely to start expensive. Early (and steep) subsidies could motivate farmers (or even consumers) to adopt those new technologies and products. Just like German subsidies, by scaling solar, bootstrapped an industry whose fierce competition then brought down prices, early subsidies for clean agriculture and clean foods would do the same.

    Such incentives could include:
    1. Incentives for farmers who capture carbon in their soils. (By far the cheapest way to remove carbon from the atmosphere.)
    2. Subsidizing feed additives or other products that reduce methane emissions or NOx emissions from animals and their manure.
    3. Tax breaks for farmers who invest in “precision agriculture” technologies that reduce the amount of fertilizer or fuel they use on the farm.
    4. Incentives for farmers to deploy clean energy on their farms, and to switch farm operations from diesel to electric.
  3. An ARPA-I for Industry, meanwhile, would be chartered with funding early stage R&D in carbon-free industry.  Research areas would include:
    1. Carbon-free steel – technologies that can make steel from iron ore without the use of coal.
    2. Carbon-free cement technologies.
    3. Alternative building materials that have lower carbon emissions.
    4. Carbon-free manufacturing technologies.  
    5. Better carbon-free or low-carbon plastics, lubricants, and other petrochemicals that don’t require oil extraction.

In several of these areas some options exist today, but a need for more innovation and more fundamental research – that the federal government is uniquely equipped to fund – still exists.

2-ARPA-I would fund research to decarbonize industry, starting with the largest industrial sources – steel, cement, and petrochemicals.

  1. Incentives to Deploy Carbon-Free Industrial Methods would give steel mills, manufacturers, and builders a reason to use these new, carbon-free methods while they’re still young and expensive.  These incentives would include:
    1. Tax breaks for new carbon-free industrial equipment, to reduce the cost for manufacturers to adopt these new technologies in their early stages.
    2. Tax breaks or subsidies for the buyers of carbon-free steel, cement, or other industrial goods, to bootstrap a market of customers for these new products and grow it to scale.  

As with solar and wind in Germany, scaling use of these methods in industry would bring their prices down, with a target of beating the price of existing, carbon-heavy methods.

All of the above is compatible with Green New Deal language. It’s just a matter of emphasis. We need to double down on these two areas – agriculture and industry – that are soon to be the largest sources of global carbon emissions, and the ones we have the least progress in solving.

  1. Good Policy Must be Passable

Perhaps the most important question about the Green New Deal is this – what can we actually pass?

The Green New Deal has already moved the Overton window, by elevating the conversation about climate. At the state level, in progressive states like California and New York, Democrats have solid majorities and could pass large parts of the Green New Deal that are applicable at a state level. As I argued just after Donald Trump’s election, the States are where we can most effectively push for climate action.

What about at the Federal level? Maybe the Green New Deal, by motivating the base, will lead to more electoral victories for Democrats in 2020.  Or maybe it will hurt in red states like Alabama, where Democrats are defending a Senate seat. It’s far too early to say.

Democrats don’t have any chance of reaching 60 Senate seats in 2020. They do have the option, if they win a majority and the Presidency, of eliminating the legislative filibuster (using the so-called “nuclear option”), in which case a simple majority of the House and Senate could pass as much of the Green New Deal as Democrats could achieve consensus on, without the need for any Republican legislators.

What if none of the above occurs? What if Democrats don’t get a Senate majority at all? Or do get a majority, but are unwilling to eliminate the legislative filibuster?  Could any parts of the Green New Deal pass with some Republican support?

Bipartisan Climate Policy is Possible. In Fact, It’s Here Now

Yes. Recent history shows that, while climate is a highly divisive issue in the US, clean energy and innovation have massive support on both sides of the aisle.

Consider the following:

  1. In 2015, a Republican Congress reached a bipartisan deal to extend the solar and wind tax credits (the ITC and PTC) out through 2022.
  2. In 2017, a Republican Congress, under Donald Trump, could have easily repealed or prematurely ended these tax credits. Yet the GOP left solar, wind, and electric vehicle tax credits untouched.
  3. In 2017, a Republican Congress gave clean energy research in the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E its largest budget increase since 2009.

Wait. Don’t Republicans hate clean energy?

Nope. Not at all. Americans on both sides of the aisle love solar and wind.  Solar is the most popular energy source in the US, with 76% of Americans saying that their utility should get more energy from solar. Wind is a close second, at 71%.  The third choice, natural gas, is 24 points behind solar, at 52%. And a meager 30% of Americans want more coal.

It helps that clean energy is literally everywhere in America. Solar and wind have been built out in every state. Wind power, especially, is booming in rural districts in red states. Representatives from these districts, and Republican Senators from red states like Iowa and Texas that have deployed a tremendous amount of solar and wind, have every reason to support policies that benefit clean energy.

What’s more, Americans – on both sides of the aisle – wildly support research into new technologies that can improve their lives. A whopping 85% of Americans support funding more research into renewable energy sources. Ready for the real shocker? Solid majorities in virtually every county and every congressional district in the US support more funding of research into clean energy.

Nearly as many Americans – 82% – support tax breaks for Americans who purchase energy-efficient vehicles or solar panels. And again, the support isn’t limited to blue states or blue districts. It’s overwhelmingly national.

So Americans don’t just love innovation and R&D spending. They also support incentives to deploy clean technology faster. And, in fact, those two policy levers – more research funding, and incentives to deploy clean technology – get both the most support in poll after poll, the most bipartisan support, and the most geographically consistent support.  If you want a policy proposal that that will work in red or purple states, or that can win over some Republican Senators and Representatives, clean technology research and clean technology deployment incentives are the two most likely to garner support.

What Bipartisan Policy Would Look Like

If Democrats do get both the White House a filibuster-proof congressional majority – one way or another – and get enough internal consensus, they can drive forward whatever GND policy they wish. Right now, that seems unlikely to me.

In the event that we have a Congress without that filibuster-proof majority, or with enough moderate democrats who balk at the entirety of the Green New Deal, there are still extremely effective climate policies that Congress can put in place.

First, in industry and agriculture, the four policies we mentioned already:

  1. ARPA-A to fund research into carbon-free agriculture & forestry.
  2. Clean Agriculture Incentives and subsidies to deploy carbon-free ag rapidly to farmers and drive down its price through scale.
  3. ARPA-I to fund research into carbon-free steel, cement, and manufacturing.
  4. Clean Industry Incentives and subsidies to deploy carbon-free industrial tech and drive it down in price.

Those policies in agriculture and industry have an excellent chance of getting bipartisan support. They follow a pattern of Americans being willing to invest in new science and technology R&D. And, because they benefit industrial and agricultural states and districts, by giving carrots for deploying clean industry and clean agriculture, they’re a benefit to politicians from those – often red – states that have the greatest concentration of farms and factories. That’s the exact opposite of a policy that penalized farmers or factories for their carbon emissions. You’d have a hard time getting much bipartisan support for that. Make the policy an incentive that helps farms and industry thrive, and helps them get an edge over their global competitors, and the politics completely change.

In electricity, transportation, and buildings, there are also policies – some of them counter-intuitive  – that would accelerate us towards a clean future :

  1. Continent-Wide Electricity Transmission.  It’s a common perception that renewable energy means less dependence on the grid. The opposite is true, for two reasons. First, at any given time, weather may hurt the output of solar panels or wind farms in any given area. The further away you are from that area, the less likely you are to be in the same weather pattern. Second, the sunniest parts of the US, the windiest parts of the US, and the parts of the US that need the most electricity don’t all coincide. Study after study shows that the larger an area we integrate renewables over, the more renewables we can put on the grid, and the lower the cost.

3- A nation-sized grid increases the amount of energy we can use from solar and wind, and reduces the overall cost. Source – Nature Climate Change

Long-range transmission is also remarkably efficient and low cost. High-voltage DC transmission lines can send power 2,000 miles with only 10% losses and a small additional cost. That means solar power plants in Texas could be powering New York City…an hour after the sun has gone down in New York. China understands this, and is building the world’s largest high voltage power grid, moving power from the sunniest and windiest areas in the west to the coastal population centers 3,000 km (1,860 miles) east.  In the US, meanwhile, it’s nearly impossible to build new long-range transmission – largely because of NIMBY. Congress should make it easier to get the necessary permissions to build transmission, paving the way for a grid with more and cheaper clean energy.

4- China’s Ultra High Voltage Grid moves clean energy 2,000 miles from the sunny and windy interior to the population centers on the eastern coast.  The US has nothing similar.

  1. Clear the Way for Offshore Wind. The most exciting development in wind power is building offshore. Winds blow faster and more consistently just a few miles off the coast of the US than they do almost anywhere on land. Not only does that mean offshore wind power is likely to be the cheapest wind power, it also means – because the winds are more steady – that it causes fewer intermittency problems for grid operators and is closer to being a “baseload”-like power source. Offshore wind sites are also closer to electricity demand in cities along the coast, making it easier to get power where its needed. And while solar power peaks in the sunny months of summer, wind power peaks in winter – making solar and wind great complements for each other. Offshore wind has plunged in price in Europe, reaching grid parity last summer, and is now growing faster there than wind power on land. It’s also still much smaller than on-land wind. That means that is has much farther to fall in price, and that deploying it now can bring the price down faster than with on-land wind. Unfortunately, the US is far behind in building offshore wind. A law from the 1920s and a raft of lawsuits have held offshore wind power up. Congress can and should take action to clear the way for offshore wind.
  2. Extend & Unify Solar, Wind, and Energy Storage Tax Incentives. Congress should make the 30% Investment Tax Credit for solar (the ITC) permanent. Failing that, it should extend it out to at least 2030. Wind, which has long mostly used a different tax credit called the PTC, should be moved to the same 30% tax credit and timing as solar. Energy storage – batteries and the technologies that come after them – should get the exact same tax credit, however and wherever that energy storage technology is deployed. While this tax credit may sound modest, solar and wind are now on the very edge of a tipping point.  

    Consider, for example, that late last year, a utility in Northern Indiana announced that the cheapest way for it to provide power to its customers was to go from being 65% coal powered today, to just 15% coal powered by 2023, and zero coal by 2028 – and to replace that coal with solar, wind, batteries, and flexible storage.  Let me repeat that: This utility wants to replace 50% of their power generation in just 4 years, and the rest in 5 more. And it wants to do so because solar and wind and batteries are cheaper than running their existing coal power plants. That’s a tipping point moment. And the solar and wind deployed in Indiana will lower the cost of future solar and wind deployed elsewhere. If this sort of tipping point can happen in Indiana, a deeply red state that Donald Trump won by 19 points, that isn’t all that sunny, and that has good but not amazing wind, then that tipping point can happen anywhere. Our job is to keep the pressure up.
  3. A National Renewable Portfolio Standard. 29 US states – including red states like Texas, Missouri, Iowa, and Ohio – have Renewable Portfolio Standards that mandate that a certain percentage of their electricity must come from carbon-free or renewable sources. That means 21 states don’t have such mandates. If electricity were a perfectly competitive market, solar and wind and batteries would win on price and displace coal and gas in all these states. But utilities have a number of ways to resist change, even when it makes economic sense.

5-29 US States have Renewable Portfolio Standards

The solution is for Congress to mandate a Renewable Portfolio Standard nationally, dragging the laggard states up to the standard of the rest. How high should that mandate be? The Green New Deal goal of 100% carbon free electricity by 2030 is incredibly ambitious. And it pushes us into the unknown. Beyond 70 or 80 or 90% of electricity from renewables, integration becomes increasingly difficult as periods of bad weather nation-wide cause serious problems. The technical challenges there can be overcome – perhaps through nuclear, or next-generation carbon-capturing natural-gas plants, or long-term energy storage technologies (which are being funded by ARPA-E).

Those challenges are still real enough that even a clean energy optimist like me gets nervous. A goal of 50% of electricity from carbon free sources in every state by 2030, then 80% by 2040, and 100% by 2050 would be in-line with what scientific models say we need to achieve in order to stay below 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming. And by scaling both clean energy and the technology to integrate it to high percentages of the total grid, it would drive those technologies down in price for the rest of the world, and pave the way for cleaner grids everywhere.

  1. Permanent, Uncapped, On-the-Spot Electric Vehicle Tax Credit. On transportation, we may have reached another tipping point. 2018 may have been the peak year for gasoline and diesel car sales, ever.  Electric Vehicles, while still small in number, are growing at an astounding rate, and account for all growth in the auto industry. In some areas, electric vehicles are now cheaper to own than gasoline cars on a per-mile basis. And that will become true in more and more areas as the price of batteries declines. Even so, we need to move faster. On average, a US car gets replaced when it’s around 10 years old. That means that, even if electric vehicles were 100% of new sales today, it would take around 20 years for them to replace all gasoline cars. That needs to happen faster. Congress can help.

First, for individually owned vehicles, Congress should improve the federal electric vehicle tax credit. Today’s $7,500 federal tax credit is capped at 200,000 electric vehicles per manufacturer. That’s an absurdly low number in a country that has 260 million cars on the road. General Motors CEO Mary Barra recently called for the cap to be removed. Congress ought to put electric vehicles on the same footing as solar, wind, and batteries: A 30% tax credit – like the solar ITC – with no limit on the number of vehicles its applied to would be simple, clear, and consistent. For individuals buying their own vehicles, that tax credit ought to be structured so it can be taken off the purchase price of the vehicle directly, rather than waiting for tax season.

Second, the same tax credit ought to apply to fleet operators who buy or build electric vehicles to offer rides to consumers. While the pace at which consumers buy new cars is slow, the pace at which they switch miles of transport can be far faster, as they switch some of their travel to fleets like Uber, Lyft, and whatever comes after. Those fleets, today, are mostly gasoline engine vehicles of hybrids. As electric vehicles increasingly become the cheapest per mile, those app-based transport fleets will go electric. And a typical taxi drives 70,000 miles a year, or roughly 4 times the 13,500 miles per year of a typical individually-owned car. That means each electric vehicle deployed as a taxi can have the impact of four individually owned vehicles.

Finally, Congress ought to accelerate the deployment of autonomous cars on the nation’s roads. Why? Because an autonomous vehicle, by taking out the cost of the driver, can cut the cost per mile by half. Some calculations show that an autonomous electric taxi, by 2025, could cost 35 cents per mile. That’s 1/10th of what a taxi costs, 1/5th of what a Lyft or UberX costs today, and half the cost of owning and operating your own car. That lower cost would cause even more rapid switching to electric transport fleets, as currently-owned gasoline vehicles increasingly sat unused, or saved for long-distance trips or other scenarios. Some studies find that, even at twice that price, as much as 40% of miles driven would switch to these electric fleets.

6 – Autonomous Electric Taxis could be half the cost per mile of owning and operating a gasoline car – if autonomous vehicles arrive.

Getting to those costs absolutely depends on autonomy. Today, however, autonomous driving is regulated by a hodge-podge of different laws at the State level. Congress should step in and act to standardize safety testing, unify laws between states, and accelerate the deployment of safe, cheap, efficient, electric autonomous taxi services.  Congress almost did so in 2018. It’s time to try again.

These three actions would both accelerate the deployment of electric vehicles in the US, and drive innovation in a sector where US companies are currently in the lead, and where they could be global leaders in trillion-dollar industries for decades to come.

  1. Incentives for EV Chargers – Everywhere. Deploying more electric vehicles also means a demand for more charging infrastructure.  Congress ought to create incentives to deploy electric chargers in the places they make the most sense, and to lower the cost of charging stations by scaling them.

    For individually-owned vehicles, incentives already exist to install a charger at home.  But drivers who park on the street or who live in apartment buildings without charging don’t have an easy way to use a home charger. Congress ought to create federal incentives to deploy charging stations in multi-unit buildings, in malls, at grocery stores, and so on. Congress should especially create incentives for employers to deploy charging stations for their employees at work.  Charging stations make the most sense in the locations that cars spend the most time in. And after home, the clear #2 for most vehicles is at work. In addition, vehicles driven to work are most likely to be idle during the day – when solar power is producing. Charing electric vehicles during the day both allows the US to put more total solar power to use (effectively storing it in these vehicles) and solves the problem of a lack of charging location for those who don’t have convenient charging at home.

    Similarly, if transportation is going to move more and more to electric (possibly autonomous) taxi fleets, those vehicles will need charging too. Congress ought to create incentives for that charging infrastructure to accelerate its deployment.

    More generally a report from the Smart Electric Power Alliance finds that  as electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging infrastructure spread, there’s an opportunity to use software to manage when vehicles charge, to line that charging up with both solar and with the hours of peak wind power output, allowing more renewables to be integrated onto the grid.  

7 – Electric vehicles with smart chargers could charge when solar and wind are most abundant on the grid, increasing the amount of renewable energy we can use.

  1. Tax Credits for Carbon-Free Heating and Building Efficiency. Beyond electricity and transportation, heating buildings accounts for 6% of all carbon emissions around the world, and is growing rapidly. To decarbonize the world’s economy, we need to shift from heating with natural gas (or, in the poorest parts of the world, with coal or wood) to heating with carbon-free energy. While extending tax credits for solar and wind, Congress should keep those credits consistent for passive solar heating and geothermal heating systems, and extend those tax credits to also to include switching to an electric heat pumps, and any energy efficiency improvements made to a building.

Wait, but what about?

So I didn’t list your favorite technology, policy, or issue?  Here:

  1. Nuclear.  In 2018, the US got roughly 20% of its electricity from nuclear power, or roughly twice as much as it does from solar and wind combined. That’s carbon-free electricity from already running reactors. Shutting down those reactors prematurely would be a mistake. Germany’s shutdown of their nuclear reactors led to Germany missing their goals for carbon reduction. Existing reactors – so long as they’re safe – should be kept running as long as possible, while solar and wind scale up. And indeed, there’s still quite a bit of debate about whether solar, wind, hydro, and batteries together can power 100% of the US. Some very smart scientists who care deeply about climate are skeptical that renewables can get us all the way there. I’m on the more optimistic side of this equation. Even so, let’s not tie one hand behind our back.

    New nuclear, on the other hand, is probably dead in the US and Europe. Costs are rising over time, and reactors are plagued by cost overruns and schedule delays. The US ought to continue funding research into next-generation reactors that could be built smaller, more repeatably, and hopefully one day at a lower cost. Even those reactor designs are most likely to be a fallback in case solar, wind, and batteries stop falling in price the way they have.
  2. Carbon Taxes.  I spent much of 2015 advocating for a revenue-neutral carbon tax in Washington State. I love carbon taxes. And in electricity, they can be quite powerful. As I explain elsewhere, though, outside of the electricity sector, carbon taxes are far less effective than believed. They have only a little impact on industry, almost no impact on transportation, and usually aren’t applied to agriculture. If a carbon tax magically passed Congress, I’d cheer, and it could be an effective way to fund some of the proposals here. It’s not a silver bullet, though, and it doesn’t address the hardest sectors.
  3. Carbon Capture. People mean a wide variety of things when they say “carbon capture”.  If we mean retrofitting coal power plants with equipment to capture their carbon emissions and store it, that’s probably a waste of time. Coal is economically dead, even before adding on the cost of carbon capture. On the other hand, the NetPower design for an advanced natural gas plant that has carbon capture built right in could be a great complement to solar and wind, filling in for them during wind droughts in winter. (Though keeping any sort of natural gas in use also requires that we address the serious  problem of methane leaks from natural gas wells and infrastructure.)  

    The most important type of carbon capture, though, is being able to capture carbon directly from the air. I support more R&D into high-tech ways to scrub carbon from the air. I’m also cheered to see the tax credit Congress created to encourage carbon capture. That said, overwhelmingly the most affordable ways to capture carbon, today, are the ones the Green New Deal talks about:  returning carbon to the natural environment, by enriching soils and planting trees. Enriching farm soils and planting trees cost ten times less than fancier methods of carbon capture, and could capture a billion tons of carbon a year in the US alone. What’s more, the US could make those methods even cheaper by spurring new technology – like tree-planting drones, or transparent digital markets for carbon capture – in a way that increases the adoption of carbon capture into natural ecosystems around the world.  Ultimately, we may need to draw even more carbon out of the air than soils and trees can handle.  We should do the R&D for higher tech methods that can do so, and encourage their deployment, even as we use the cheapest methods of soils and forests first.

8 – The cheapest ways to capture carbon are on the bottom of this chart – in soils and forests.

What About Climate Justice?

The Green New Deal advances a plan to fight climate change and to ensure that we do so through a just transition. Here, I think a few principles clearly apply.

  1. First, the cost of the transition shouldn’t be paid by those with the lowest income or who’ve contributed the least to the problem. In the long term, transitioning to a clean economy will make energy, transportation, and the rest of the goods we consume cheaper. If, in the short run, (when we’re using subsidies to scale out new technologies to drive their costs down) there’s any temporary increase in the cost of life’s necessities, that shouldn’t be passed on to low-income Americans. If costs for basic necessities go up, that needs to be offset by policies that buffer lower-income Americans against those changes.
  2. Second, if we need new taxes to pay for these programs, those taxes should be highly progressive. If those taxes are on income, they should come in at the higher tax brackets. This also has to inform our view of a carbon tax. Carbon taxes are, on their own, highly regressive. Lower-income Americans spend a larger fraction of their paycheck on electricity, heating, transportation, and other carbon-intensive goods than wealthier Americans do. Rural Americans, who also tend to be lower income and who have the highest rates of poverty in America, spend even more of their paycheck on transportation. So raising the price of energy, transportation, and other goods hits low-income Americans and rural Americans the hardest. If we use a carbon tax, we can offset it by sending a flat dividend check to every woman, man, and child in America. In Washington State, in our 2016 ballot initiative, we used another approach, using carbon tax revenue to boost the federal Earned Income Tax Credit – a tax credit that goes to low-income working families, and which is the closest thing to a basic income we have now.
  3. Third, we need to help Americans in the most vulnerable communities with climate resistance and climate adaptation. Whether those are communities that are vulnerable to climate-related flooding, crop losses from extreme weather, heat and drought, or to wildfires that will get worse as temperatures rise, society ought to invest in boosting the resilience of these communities, and, if necessary, in helping individuals and communities relocate to areas that are less vulnerable to climate.
  4. Fourth, massive investment in new clean energy, industry, transportation, and agriculture will pour trillions into the US economy. What’s more, it has the potential to turn the US into an exporter of new clean technology. Together, they’ll create the opportunity for potentially millions of new jobs. That opportunity ought to be open to all – to workers in dirty industries like coal who have their jobs displaced, to lower income Americans who have fewer opportunities today, and to immigrants willing to come to America and work. Job training programs, and programs to bridge the gap between the end of an old career and the start of a new one – are a win/win for America. They help us produce the labor pool to transition to this clean economy, and they provide a means for millions of Americans to uplift themselves with new, highly in-demand skills.

All of that is fully in alignment with the Green New Deal resolution.  The GND goes further, though, making the case for universal healthcare, universal higher education, universal housing, a job guarantee for all people in the United States, strengthening unions, reducing discrimination in the workplace, respect for Native American rights and sovereignty, and stopping the transfer of jobs overseas.

Many of those policies are ones I support, or at least where I support the motivations behind them. Yet I am not at all certain those policies should be coupled with climate action. Coupling a long list of liberal priorities with climate action would seem to make it harder to get the bipartisan support we’ll probably need to enact these climate policies.  That said, the Green New Deal resolution is a high level map, not a specific bill. The original New Deal wasn’t one piece of legislation – it was made up of more than 30 separate bills. Democrats should approach the Green New Deal the same way. They ought to embrace the idea that the overall effort may take multiple years and multiple Congresses to enact, and that it’s perfectly acceptable to support some parts of the Green New Deal and not others. They ought to embrace alliances and assistance – including bipartisan alliances – to pass parts of the Green New Deal where they can.

(Photo by Ira L. Black/Corbis via Getty Images)

Climate Action is the Ultimate Climate Justice
Even more importantly, though, acting on climate change itself creates a more just world. Climate change is a slow, insidious, and massive threat to human well-being. It’s also profoundly unjust. Americans may only emit 15% of carbon emissions today, but all the CO2 we’ve emitted in the past will linger in the atmosphere for roughly a century from when it was released. Add up all the carbon the US has emitted over time, and the US remains the largest cumulative emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet. We Americans are more responsible for climate change than any other nation, even those with many times our population.

Meanwhile, two billion people live in countries that have emitted the least carbon dioxide over history – the poorest countries on planet earth – which are also the countries where people are likely to suffer the most from climate change. Climate change itself is a deep inequity. The most just thing we can do is to address climate change as rapidly as possible, and to produce and spread the tools that also boost climate resilience around the developing world. Indeed, most of the benefits of fighting climate change don’t go to Americans at all. Americans do benefit. But the largest benefits of fighting climate change go to the billions around the world who have the fewest resources and who live in the nations with the greatest vulnerability.
Lower income Americans also stand to suffer more from climate change than do wealthier Americans. A lower-income American in Detroit isn’t as vulnerable as a subsistence farmer in Botswana – not by a long shot. At the same time, it’s hard to deny that Katrina, for example, hit the poor of New Orleans harder than it did the rich. Wealthier Americans can relocate more easily, can pay energy bills more easily, can rebuild from climate disasters more easily. And here again, the most just thing we can do is to act on climate, as rapidly as possible.

Should we find ways to use the fight against climate change to also address the long history of inequality and injustice, and the differences in wealth and income that exist in the US? If so, should we stop there? Climate change is global. Carbon emissions and the harm they cause know no national borders. The harm of American (and European, and more recently Chinese) carbon emissions will fall most heavily on the poor of the developing world. Should climate policy aim to decarbonize the world as rapidly as possible? Or should it aim to decarbonize and address other global ills?

For me, the answer is clear. Climate change itself is so unjust, so lopsided in who has benefited from burning fossil fuels and who will suffer the most from that combustion, that addressing climate change is, itself, to help undo an injustice – one that threatens billions of people around the world.

Let’s tackle all the world’s other problems too. As we do so, let’s keep in mind that addressing climate change, even if we don’t succeed at everything else, is a major, vital, and necessary step towards a more just world.  




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Until Now 5 Millennial Brides Confess the Trendiest Things They Tried at Their Weddings 5 Questions to Ask Your Partner That Are Way Better Than "How Was Your Day?" 5 Reasons Pretty Girls Are Still Single 5 Reasons The Parent Trap Is Disney's Most Twisted Film 5 Sex Positions For When You're Tired - but Still Want to Get It On 5 Stylish Summer Outfits I'm Packing For Vacation in Paris 5 Things Everyone Is Afraid to Tell You About Getting Over Your First Love 5 Things Everyone Who Has Lived Abroad Can Relate To 5 Things I Really Wish I'd Known Before Being in an Open Relationship 5 Things to Know About Kamala Harris's Husband 5 Things to Know About Stacey Abrams 5 Things You Can Do in the Wake of the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting 5 Tips For Sleeping Better With a Partner 5 Truths I Learned About Myself by Dating on Reality TV 5 Types of Trips Every Mom Should Take 5 Ways the Mixed-Bag Midterms Represented Real Change 5 Ways the Wave of Women in Congress Could Change Politics For the Better 5 Ways You Can Combat Abortion Stigma 5 Weighted Travel Blankets That Will Calm Even the Most Anxious Flyer 5 Women Got Stuck in Weeds on a Unicorn Pool Float 50 Beautiful Book Quote Tattoos 50 Foods 50 Incredible Gifts For Your Favorite Couple 50 Last-Minute Couples Costumes That Require Little to No Effort 50 Real-Girl Engagement Rings to Swoon Over 50 Sex-Filled Films to Stream on Netflix For a Steamy Night In 50 Sexy Underboob Tattoos You'll Want to Get ASAP 50 Songs You Should Definitely Make Out To 50 States of Glorious Hiking Destinations 50 States of Quirky Town Names 50 States of Scary: The Most Terrifying Haunted Houses You MUST Visit in America 50 States of Summer Travel Destinations 50 States of Unbelievable Tourist Attractions 50 States of Wedding Favors - Give Your Guests a Little Bit of Home 50 States: The Must-Eat Roadfoods Across America 50 Summer Instagram Captions That Are Too Hot For Your Feed to Handle 50 Things Only Book-Lovers Understand 50 Things You'll Remember About Christmas If You Were a Kid in the '90s 50 Ways to Turn Up the Heat in Your Long-Term Relationship 50+ Adorable Disney Couples Costumes 50+ Adorable Swimsuits For Ultimate Disney Fans Only 50+ Photos of Pride Celebrations That Prove Love Is Love 50+ Purr-fect Gifts For All the Cat Ladies Out There 50+ Target Finds Under 50 Bucks For Your Boyfriend - 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All Under $20 9 Podcasts That Make Me Look Forward to My Morning Commute 9 Reasons This Small Colorado Town Should Be Next on Your 2019 Travel To-Do List 9 Things Bridesmaids Don't Realize Annoy the Bride 9 Things You Should Never Feel Bad About Doing After a Breakup 9 Things You Shouldn't Tell Your Friends About Your Marriage 9 Unique Fall Festivals Around the World 97 Epic Photos of Van Travel That Will Make You Want to See the World on Wheels 98 Retro Fandom Gifts Your Partner Needs This Valentine's Day A $7 A Catholic Nun Perfectly Explains the Major Hypocrisy of the "Pro-Life" Argument A Game of Thrones Cruise Exists and I'm SO Ready to Sip Cocktails in King's Landing A Girl-Powered Playlist For Gettin' It On A Gryffindor Married a Ravenclaw at Costco A Hotel in New Orleans Is Offering a $15 A Letter to the Mother-in-Law and Father-in-Law I'll Never Have a Life Cake A Look Back at Obama's Close Relationship With Aretha Franklin A Marriage Proposal Is a Dream For Some A Meerkat Can Eat a Roach Named After Your Ex For Valentine's Day A New Cars Show With Lightning McQueen Is Coming to Hollywood Studios! a Real American Hero A Relationship Therapist Says This Is the Biggest Act of "Real Love and Romance" A Step-by-Step Guide For Packing the KonMari Way A Thank-You Letter to My Fake Running Buddy a Tired Gay Joke About Trump and Putin - Except We're Not Laughing A Wakandan Wedding: This Bridal Shoot Is Inspired by Black Panther A Woman Surprised Her Girlfriend With a Same-Day Proposal and Engagement Party Absentee Voting: Everything You Need to Know but Were Afraid to Ask Accidentally Archive an Email in Gmail? Here's How to Find It Accidentally Archived an Email in Gmail? Here's How to Find It According to a Recent Survey According to an Expert According to Astrology According to Experts According to Experts and Fliers According to Gynos According to Men According to Professional Matchmaker Patti Stanger According to Science According to Your Zodiac Sign ACK! This Memory Quiz Will Mess With Your Mind Adobe Adventure Seekers: Royal Caribbean's New Thrill Waterpark Has a 135-Foot Waterslide! adyen After Seeing Their Epic Wedding After This Couple's Wedding in Tulum Airbnb Airbnb Released Their Top 10 Spring Locales Aladdin Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gives Brilliant Speech at Women's March: "This Is About Justice" All Aboard! These Are the Best Train Trips of 2019 All Hail the Queen and King of Westeros in This Gorgeous Game of Thrones Wedding Shoot All Right in Our Backyard All That '90s Costumes For Your Guy All the Latest Tech Products Worth Stocking Up On For 2019 All the Tech Gifts You Can Buy For Less Than $100 This Year All Under $100 All Under $50 All We Want For Christmas Is Hasbro's Parody Board Game Collection All Your (Very) Honest Questions About Anal Sex Allow Barack Obama to Explain Why There's No Excuse For Missing Midterm Elections Alohomora! This Romantic Harry Potter Wedding Shoot Has the Flying Key to My Heart Along With His "Creepy Calendars" Alyzza and David Worked the Red Carpet For Their Glam Engagement Shoot Amazon Has Glittery Amazon Has Graced Us With Black Friday Deals and Our Wallets Are Screaming Amazon Is Selling a Grumpy Cat Heated Neck Pillow Amazon Sells a Suitcase That Children Can Ride Amazon's Dragon Pool Floats Breathe Fire and Ice Because Summer Is Coming American innovation Americans Will Need to Register in Order to Travel to Europe Aminatou Sow Wants to Talk About Money - Hers An 101-Year-Old Man Went on a Reality TV Dating Show An Inflatable Shotski Exists An Open Letter to Women Who Are Wondering Where We Go After Kavanaugh an Oyster and 100% NEED and 3D-Printed Lego Bouquets and BRB and Carriages: Here's What You Didn't Know About Having Your Wedding at Disney and Chunky Sweaters and Easy to Pack and Everyone Lost Their Sh*t and Everything He Says Is Quotable and Female and Flowers Hanging From the Ceiling and Garlic! and Good Grief and HELL. YES. and Here's How It Will Affect You and Here's How It's Affected My Marriage and Here's What Happened and Here's What I Learned and Here's What I Want You to Know and Here's Why and Heroic Yet and Honestly and How to Tackle Them and I Already Feel Cozy and I am Weeping They Are So Funny and I Didn't Even Realize It and I Don't Feel Bad For Flaunting It and I Don't Regret a Thing and I Don't Regret It and I Don't Regret It One Bit and I Have Zero Regrets and I Just Dropped My Biscuit and I Take a Girls' Trip Every Winter and I Wouldn't Trade It For Anything and I'm Already Obsessed and I'm Not Sorry About It and I'm Seriously Glad I Did and I'm Wholeheartedly Shook and I've Never Felt More Seen and Invest in a Clear Makeup Bag For Traveling and It Brought My Spouse and I Closer and It Changed Me Forever and It Cost Me 4+ Hours in the Store and It Looks AMAZING! and It Was a Carb-Lover's Dream Come True and It Was a TOTAL Game-Changer and It Was Honestly the Best and It Was the Best Decision and It Was the Best Decision We Ever Made and It's . . . Stunning? and It's All Under $35! and It's an Instagram Dream and It's Free For Anyone With Special Needs and It's Just Over $100 a Night and It's Kind of a Big Deal and It's Nothing Short of Amazing and Listen to These Dating Podcasts and Magic of Love and Military Personnel: You Can Win a FREE Sandals Vacation This May! and My Inner '90s Baby Is SCREAMING and My Millennial Heart Can't Take It and My Sanity and My Tear Ducts Are Already Exhausted and Never Too Old For a Birthday Cake Smash And Now and Now We're Happily Married and Of COURSE There's an Eggplant One and Oh My GOSH and OMG and OMG - It's Gorgeous and Only This 1 Thing Has Ever Helped Me Relax on a Plane and Our '90s-Loving Hearts Can't Take It and Our Relationship Is Stronger For It and Our Wallets Are Trembling and People Have Mixed Feelings and Perfectly Pretty - Every Wedding Needs a Touch of Pink and Ready to Risk it All and Real Talk and Silly Halloween Date Ideas and So Are We! and Sometimes I Worry That I'll Never Find Someone and Summer and the "After" Photos Are Jaw-Dropping and The Lion King! and the Looks Are Amazing and the Photos Are Breathtaking and the Photos Are SO Fun! and the Pressure to Attend Is Unfair and the Video Preview Is Insane! and the Views Are Unreal and Their Bromance Looks Better Than Ever and Theirs - Without the Shame and These Are My Best Tips and These Are the Questions People Always Ask Me and They Were a Hit! and They Will Take Your Breath Away and They're Fueling Our Wanderlust and This $52 Tracksuit Is Perfect For Traveling and This Cute Purse Will Get You in the Mood and THIS Is Innovation and This Is Peak "Instagram Vs. Reality" and This Is What I Learned and This Is What I Want You to Know and Tweens and Uh and We Can See the Kids Messing With It Already and We Have Matching Attitudes and We Promise It's Fun! and We'll Take 2 and We're Already Booking Flights and We're Getting the Carry-On Out of the Closet and We're Honestly Crying and We're Not Sorry About It and We're Screaming and We're Seeing Stars and We've Never Seen a More Iconic Wedding and Where's the Download Button? and Why I'll Never Do It Again and Wow and Yes and You Better Believe It Comes in a Takeout Box and You Can Take Photos With Them! and You Should and Your Ski Trips Will Never Be the Same Android Android Tips Answered by an Expert Antidepressants Depleted My Sex Drive - Here Are 5 Ways I Fixed It Apologies in Advance: This Halloween Brain Teaser Might Make You Chuck Your Computer App Apple Apple Hits a Trillion Dollars in Value - With a Gay CEO Who's More Vocal Than Ever Apple Just Launched 2 New iPad Models - Here's the Lowdown Apple Just Launched a $10 News Subscription Service With Over 300 Magazines Apps Aquaman and Mera Say Their "I Dos" on the Beach in This Steamy AR Emojis Are You and Your Friends Even Cheetah Sisters If You Don't Own These Disney Channel Shirts? Are You and Your Mom BFFs? Here's How to Know For Sure Are You Emotionally Healthy? Here Are the Signs That You Prioritize Your Well-Being Ariana Grande Is Helping Fans Register to Vote During Her Tour As a Latina As a Muslim Woman in Trump’s America As a Proud Fronteriza As Early Voting Begins Ask Your Bridesmaids If They'll "Be There For You" With These Friends-Themed Wine Labels asset store At 17 Attention Attention All Parents! You Need to Know About the Awesome "Every Kid in a Park" Program Attention Travelers Awesome All-by-Yourself Getaways You Need to Take This Summer back up Bali Tourists LOVE Relaxing in These Ocean Hammocks Barack Obama and Joe Biden Reunited For Lunch Barack Obama Broke His No-Selfies Rule to Welcome His "Brother" Joe Biden Back to Instagram Barack Obama Made Thanksgiving Meals at a Food Bank and Left Young Volunteers Awestruck Barack Obama Offers Condolences Following the New Zealand Shooting: "We Grieve With You" Based on Your Zodiac Sign Because 2018 Has Been a Year Because Now You Can Turn Off Dating Mode Because Science Says So Because the Disney x TOMS Shoe Line Is Here! Because These Expensive Christmas Gifts Are Worth Every Penny Because These Holiday Cards Are Hilarious) Because We Found the Best Seating Charts For Any Kind of Wedding Before You Travel in 2019 Behold Being Married and Having a Crush on Someone Else Is Actually Totally Normal Being Single on Valentine's Day Is Actually the Best Belle Wears Blue Biden’s Inappropriate Touching “Jokes” Remind Us Why Women Don’t Come Forward Bill Nye Wants Everyone to "Grow the F*ck Up" and Do Something About Climate Change Bippity Boppity Boo Black Women Are Exhausted Black Women Are Ready to Be the Face of the Democratic Party - They're Already Its Leaders Bloody Skulls Bluest Water on Earth Bon Voyage! Virgin Atlantic's Female Cabin Crew Members Are No Longer Required to Wear Makeup bra Break the Internet With These 50+ Clever Costumes Brett Kavanaugh and the Entitlement of Male Rage Bring Your Favorite Beauty Products Wherever You Go With These 94 Travel-Size Must Haves Bring Your Favorite Beauty Products Wherever You Go With These 95 Travel-Size Must Haves Brittney Cooper Talks Eloquent Rage and Embracing Her Black Girl Magic Brock Turner Loses Appeal For New Trial Brutally Honest Reasons Why I Hate Valentine's Day Bubble Buckle Up! These 50+ Travel Essentials From Target Will Get You Ready For Takeoff Busy Philipps Gets Candid About Her Abortion at Age 15: "Every Woman Deserves Compassion and Care" but a Rose Gold-Themed Wedding Will Have Your Heart Stolen but For Me It Was a Nightmare but Here's How to Beat 'Em but Here's Why I'll Never Take a DNA Test but Here's Why That's Not a Problem but I Don't Regret My Marriage but I Found Community When I Moved Back Home but It's Important to Pick Up the Phone and Call Your Friends but No but the Bride's Red Dress Is the Real Showstopper but Their Vows Will Have You Crying but There's a Catch but They're All From Amazon and Under $14 but We Still Go Because I Love It but We've Still Ranked Them From Most to Least Bye Call Your Fairy Godmother Calling All Adventurers! These Are the 5 Best Credit Cards For Travel Miles Calling All Moms Calling All Pisces! These 15 Gifts Are Perfect For Your Personality Calling All Wannabes! You Can Book the Tour Bus From Spice World on Airbnb Can People Tell When You Look at Their Instagram? We Have Good and Bad News Can Political Campaigns Actually Be Cool? These 2 Women Think So Can You Hyperlink Text in an iPhone Email? We Have the Annoying Answer Can You Solve This Brain-Teaser Without Losing It? Can You Spot All the Hidden Items in This Valentine's Day Brain-Teaser? Can You Tell If Someone Blocks You on Instagram? Yeah Can't Eat Another Diner Burger? Check Out These Healthy Road-Trip Food Spots Can’t Get Your Kids in the Tub? This Shower Curtain With Tech Pockets Might Sway Them Castaway Cay Castles Catching a Flight to Japan Causing the Spire to Collapse Cecile Richards: "This Is Not a Theoretical Conversation About Roe. It's Real." Celebrate New Beginnings in Style With These Cute and Sophisticated Graduation Dresses - All Under $100! Celebrate Your "I Dos" With the Best Honeymoon Destinations of 2019 Check Out These Netflix Movies Chris Evans Christmas Fans Cleaning Your AirPods Is Super Easy - Here's How to Do It cloud services CO - Here's Why It's a Must Visit Coachella Will Have Amazon Lockers This Year Coco Fans Coming to Terms With My Anti-Abortion Upbringing Common Joins Michelle Obama to Encourage Black Citizens to Vote Computer Considering a Divorce? Ask Yourself These 7 Important Questions First Continually Roasts Donald Trump on Twitter Coolest Newlyweds EVER Skied Down the Slopes Right After Saying "I Do" correct bra size Cotton Candy Spirit Jerseys Are Coming to Disney Parks Could the Future of Skincare Shopping Eliminate the Need for In-Store Beauty Consultants? Coupons Craving an Island Escape? These Are the 12 Best Underrated Islands to Visit in 2019 Created a Luggage Line That's Practical and Under $100! Criticisms of the Women Running for President in 2020 Are Fair-But At What Cost? Crowds Sang "Ave Maria" Together as the Notre-Dame Cathedral Burned Crowns Cute Cuteness Overload! These 33 Gifts Are Guaranteed to Make Anyone Smile cyber-security Dad data store Daughter Dear Santa Deleted Apps Deleting People Off of Social Media Made Me a Happier Person Delightfully Fun Cases - She'll Love It DesignEvo desktop Destination Bachelorette Parties Cost So Much Money Did You Know the iPhone Has a Magnifier Tool? Until Now Did You Know You Could Unlock Your Android With Your Voice? Here's How Did You Know? You Can Score 2019's Hottest Gadgets For Less Than $50! Did You Know? You Can Score 2019's Hottest Gadgets For Under $50! Discover Which Game of Thrones Creature Lurks Inside Based on Your Astrological Sign Disney Is Releasing 4 Jerseys Inspired by Famous Rides Disney Is Selling Boozy Cookie Shots Disney Princesses Like You've Never Seen Them - 140+ Artistic Takes on the Beloved Heroines Disney World Is Infinitely Better Than Disneyland Disney's Coco Ears Are Driving Visitors "Un Poco Loco" - Sorry Disney's New Necklace Is the Socially Acceptable Way to Wear Your Rose Gold Ears Every Day Disney's New Star Wars Ride Might Be 28 Minutes Long Disneyland Is Hosting an After-Hours '90s Party Disneyland Just Released a First Look at Its New Tropical Hideaway Disneyland Just Revealed Its New Halloween Popcorn Buckets and Mugs Disneyland's Club 33 Mouse Ears Are Without a Doubt the Most Exclusive Pair Yet Disneyland's Halloween Treats Are Here disrupt Berlin 2018 Ditch Your Jeans! We Found the 11 Best Travel Dresses For Spring and Summer Ditch Your Jeans! We Found the 55 Best Travel Dresses For Spring and Summer Diverse do you know Do You Need a "Friendship Cleanse"? Here's How to Know When to Say Goodbye Does Cannabis Make You Creative? It’s Complicated Does It Work For Adults? Don't Be Fooled - Trump's Female SCOTUS Nominees Are Just Another Attempt to Gaslight Us Don't Be Stressed: We Found 14 Perfect Valentine's Day Gifts For the Guy in Your Life Don't Break the Bank This Labor Day - Visit These 10 Affordable Destinations Don't Even Try to Travel Without These Helpful New Products This Holiday Season Don't Fly Over the "Flyover States" - You'll Miss All the Good Stuff! Don't Forget to Pack These 19 Gadgets Don't Freak Out - She Just Wants You to Vote Don't Get Caught on a Family Road Trip Without These 19 Essentials Don't Get Me Started on People Who Stand Up the SECOND the Plane Pulls Into the Gate Don't Leave Disneyland Without Trying These Cookies Don't Leave For Your Next Trip Without These 28 Travel Essentials (Only on Amazon) Don’t Let Marie Kondo’s Appearance Mislead You Don't Make the Same Mistake I Did Don't Pack For Your Next Trip Without These 42 Comfy Travel Essentials Don't Sit in This Row on Your Next Flight Don't Want to Check a Bag? Here's a Handy Carry-On Packing List Don't Worry Donald Trump Welcomes the Clemson Tigers With a Buffet of Fast Food at the White House Doughnuts Douglas Emhoff Drag Queen Story Hour Isn't Just Entertaining Kids - It's Opening Parents' Minds e-commerce Each Table at This Harry Potter Wedding Reception Is Based on a Hogwarts House! easiest recipes Edible Bucket List Edible Guide electric vehicles Ellen Page Calls Out Mike Pence's Hateful Leadership: "This Needs to F*cking Stop" Embrace Summer 2019 With 27 Vacation Dresses That Are Cute and Easy to Pack Emojis Emotional Documentary - Watch an Exclusive Clip Enter This 20-Acre Stranger Things Corn Maze If Your Sense of Adventure Is 11 Out of 10 ENTERPRISE Escape the Cold This Season at the Top Winter Sun Travel Destinations Around the World Escape the Family Drama and Stress of the Season With These Hot New December Romances Escape to 1 of These Awesome (and Affordable) Travel Destinations Across the US Especially While Traveling! Evangelical "Purity Culture" Leaves Lasting Damage on Young Women - I Know Firsthand Even on the Darkest Days Every Disney Fan Should Complete This Incredible Every Single Guest Dressed as a Disney Character at This Picture-Perfect Wedding Every Single Secret Movie Category on Netflix You Could Ever Want Every Woman in a Relationship Should Do This 1 Thing Alone Everyone Is at Their Wit's End in This Hilarious "2016 vs. 2018" Election Day Meme Everyone Should Watch This Sobering Active Shooter Drill Led by a Middle School Student Everything You Need For a Harry Potter Bachelorette Party Everything You Need to Know About Buying and Smoking Recreational Marijuana in California Everything You Need to Know About Citizen Everything You Need to Know About Michelle Obama's Upcoming Book Tour Everything You Never Knew About Halloween Fetishes Exam ExtremeTechExtremeTech facebook Facebook's "Secret Crush" Feature Is Like a Dating App - Here's How to Use It Far Away Anymore! Here Are the Official Opening Dates FAT32 fb featured Figures" Fila Has a New Rugrats Collection Fila Has a New Rugrats Collection and My Inner '90s Baby Is SCREAMING Finally - There's a Version of "Baby Find Out Which Astrological Sign Has the Best Sex Flirty Fly Into 2019 in the Top-Rated Airports in North America Flying car Follow These Tips to Avoid an Airbnb Debacle Follow These Tips When Traveling Abroad For Black Women Survivors For Taking Ugly Christmas Sweaters to a Whole New "Dressy" Level Forget the Mistletoe! These Ugly Christmas Sweaters For Couples Are So Much Better Forget Valentine's Day Forgot Your iPhone Passcode? Here’s How to Get Back In format hard drive Former President George H.W. Bush Has Died at Age 94 Free Free Apps Free WiFi For All Passengers Is in the Works at Delta Fun galaxy S20 Galaxy S20 Ultra Galaxy S20+ Game Fans! This Wedding Has Monopoly Invites Game of Thrones: Here's Where Dragonstone Is Filmed Games Gather Your Girls! Here Are the Best Girlfriend Getaways For 2019 George W. Bush and Michelle Obama's Continued Inside Joke Will Make You Smile Georgia’s Abortion Ban is a Real Attempt to Reduce Women’s Bodies to Crime Scenes Get a Sneak Peek at the Crazy-Beautiful Wedding in the Upcoming Crazy Rich Asians Movie Get Him Boxers That Are as Sexy and Funny as He Is Get Inspired! 98 Bridal Shower Decorations That Will Have the Bride Gasping in Delight Get Inspired! 99 Bridal Shower Decorations That Will Have the Bride Gasping in Delight Get Ready For Aquarius Season With These 16 Perfect Gifts Get Ready For the Best Ride of Your Life Get Ready to Get Roaring Like the 1920s With This Great Gatsby-Themed Wedding Get Ready to Go Under the Sea With Torrid's The Little Mermaid Collection Get Through a Tough Split With 15 Breakup Movies Streaming on Netflix Getting Married? Spice Up Your Engagement and Wedding Photos With This Trendy Accessory Getting More Storage on Gmail Can Go 2 Ways: Easy With a Fee or Hard and Free Give Your Wedding Guests Some (Homegrown) Love With These Special State Wedding Favors Gmail Storage Almost Full? This Is the Easy Way to Get More Space Go the Distance! 13 Ways to Be a Better Long-Distance BFF Going Somewhere? Not Without These 16 Suitcases Going Somewhere? Not Without These 26 Essential Travel Accessories Going Somewhere? With These 10 Products Google Released Its Annual Year-in-Search Video Got the Winter Blues? These 10 "Winter Sun" Destinations Will Help You Beat Them Grab a Suitcase and Your Sneakers - These Fit Vacations Will Give You Serious Wanderlust Grab Your Butterbeer Grab Your Headphones and a Blanket Grab Your Sunscreen and Shades! Here Are 30 Spring-Break-Worthy Destinations For 2019 Graphicspring Great Godric Gryffindor! This Harry Potter Hallowedding Was a Truly Magical Affair Gryffindors and Slytherins Agree: A Harry Potter-Themed Wedding Is "Always" a Good Idea Guess What? Only Asking Female Presidential Candidates About Sexism is Sexist Gum from shoe Hack Hang Out With Some of Disney's Most Chilling Villains at Disney World's After-Hours Spectacular Harry Potter Fans Will Love This Hot Topic Merch So Much Hate Packing For Vacation? These 52 Easy Travel Clothes Will Save You - For $50 or Less Hats Off to These Effortlessly Cute Graduation Dresses That Are All Under $100 Have a Blissful Summer Vacation in 1 of These Charming Lake Towns Have a HOT Halloween With These Sexy Costume Ideas Have WAY Too Many Pictures on Your Phone? Try This Routine to Keep Your Storage in Check Having a Destination Wedding? Here's How to Make Your Marriage Legal in the US Having an Open Marriage Ultimately Led to My Divorce Hay Rides Hear Us Out Heaven Is a Place on Earth - See the Infinity Cave Pool of Your Freaking Dreams Hello Here Are the Best (and Worst) Airlines Here Are the Top iPhone Apps of 2018 - How Many Do You Have? Here We Come! 10 Hot Destinations You Should Visit in June Here's All the Inspiration You Need to Have the Winter Wonderland Wedding of Your Dreams Here's How a Pair of Globetrotters Added Some Wanderlust Into Their Outdoor Wedding Here's How Strong Your Sex Drive Is Here's How to Block Someone on Instagram Here's How to Get a Tour of Walt Disney's Private Apartment at Disneyland Here's How to Have a Showstopping Finale to Your Wedding Here's How to Kiss Like a Pro - 12 People Weigh In With Their Best Tips Here's How to Safely Travel With a Wedding Dress For Your Big Day Here's How to Unblock a Number on Your iPhone Here’s How You Can Help People Experiencing Homelessness During the Polar Vortex Here's What It's Like to Date When You Have Anxiety (Negative Thoughts Included) Here's What Really Goes Down at a Clothing-Optional "Erotic" Couples Resort Here's What These 8 Hocus Pocus Filming Locations Look Like Now Here's What to Ask If You're Wondering If You'll Be Compatible or Not Here's What to Do If You Don't Like Your Engagement Ring Here's What to Do If You Drop Your Phone in Water (Hint: Don't Use Rice) Here's What to Read in 2019 Based on Your Astrological Sign Here's What You Can Do Right Now to Stop Trump's Proposed Domestic Gag Rule Here's What Your Friendships Will Look Like in 2019 Based on the Zodiac Here's What Your Next Trip Should Be Based on Your Zodiac Sign Here's Why Divorce Just Isn't an Option For Us Here's Your 4-Step Guide to Getting Your Ex Back Here's Your Ideal Wedding Style Hey Hillary Clinton's Latest Trump Tweet Was More Than Just a Roast - It Was a Premonition Hillary Clinton's Mean Girls Tweet Dishes Out So Much Shade Hit the Open Sea With Your Significant Other on the Most Romantic Cruises of 2019 Hit the Slopes at the Top Ski Destinations Trending This Winter Ho Hold On to the Hot Days of Summer With These 12 Sexy New Books Hold on to Your Santa Hat Holographic Pool Floats Hop in the Falcon Hotel How 1 Transgender Military Veteran Stays Hopeful How 2 Women Turned a Group Chat Into a Career Hub For Media Professionals of Color How a Single Question From Sen. Kamala Harris Revealed the Real Brett Kavanaugh How Camilla Luddington's Role on Grey's Anatomy Inspired Her Tomb Raider Character How Cheating Changed My Marriage How Do You Write the Letter "X"? This Simple Question Has Sparked the Internet's Latest Debate How Doing This on My Bachelorette Party Helped Me Connect With My Friends Even More How I Got Over My Stress About Moving in With My Boyfriend - in Just 5 Days How I’m Reckoning With Ramadan in an Age of Islamophobia How Often Do You Need to Turn Off Your iPhone to Let It Rest? Prepare to Be Surprised How Political Campaigns Are Using Streetwear and Art Galleries to Reach a New Generation How Princess Eugenie's Wedding Bouquet Was Traditional and Unique at the Same Time How Sen. Kamala Harris Inspired 1 Young Mexican-American Woman to Come Out to Her Family How to Bachelorette at Disney World Like a Pro How to Be the Ultimate Maid of Honor How to Be the Very Last Guest in Disney World at the End of the Day How to Catch a Glimpse of the Rare "Christmas Comet" in All Its Twinkly Glory This Week How to Create a Wedding Hashtag No One Else Will Have How to Dress at the Airport: These Stars Turn the Runway Into a Catwalk How to Have the Best Day Ever at Disney World - Alone! How to Have the Ultimate Day at Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party How to Have the Ultimate Harry Potter Day at Universal Orlando How to Know You Shouldn't Marry the Person You're Dating How to Know Your Partner Might Be Cheating Based on Body Language How to Make Your Own "Memoji": The Coolest New Feature of iOS 12 How to Navigate Pronouns in an Increasingly Gender Fluid World How to of the Day How to Pull Off the Ultimate Secret Santa Gift Swap This Holiday Season How to Read a Cannabis Label Like a Pro How to Restart Your Apple Watch How to Studentsea How TV Producer Melody Myers Embraces Being a Woman of Color in the Financial Field Hurry! 10 Family Trips You Should Take When Your Kids Are Still Young I "Accidentally" Raised $1 I "Accidentally" Raised $1000 for Charity-Here’s How You Can Do It I Blocked Out This Bad Piece of Wedding Advice and Had My Dream Day I Can Fall Asleep Listening to Music Without Worry I Can't Believe I'm Just Now Finding Out How to Type a Degree Symbol on an iPhone I Didn't Have a Bachelorette Party and I Don't Feel Like I Missed a Thing I Didn't Marry My "Dream Guy I Don't Travel Without This Packing Hack - It's Saved Me Time I Fell in Love With Someone Twice My Age I Got Married on a Holiday I Had 11 Bridesmaids I Had a Huge Wedding - and I Don't Regret It I Had a Very Low-Key Bachelorette Party I Had Morning Sex With My Partner Every Day For 1 Week I Had Sex Every Day For a Week I Had to Go to Court to Fight For My Abortion I Hate Wearing Jeans on the Plane I Hated Air Travel (Especially Airports) Until I Switched to This Credit Card I Hiked to Mount Everest Base Camp and Back - Here's How Hard It REALLY Is I Ignored This Simple iPhone Message All the Time I Just Sent Out All of These Holiday Cards I Know Firsthand That Reproductive Justice Can Be Elusive I Know the Dangers of Domestic Violence Firsthand - That's Why I'm Voting For Gun Safety I Know What It’s Like to Consider Both America and Mexico My Home I Know What It's Like to Go Home For the Holidays - and Go Back in the Closet I Know What it's Like to Go Home For The Holidays – And Go Back in the Closet I Learned the Hard Way That Dating a Coworker Is the Worst Idea Ever I Left My Group of Best Friends and Never Looked Back I Lived My Life According to Astrology For 1 Week I Never Thought I'd Allow Myself to Be in a Physically Abusive Relationship - Until I Was in One I Planned My Wedding in Just 2 Months I Really Wish I Didn't Have to Date in the Age of Apps I Removed My Postmastectomy Breast Implants - and I've Never Looked Back I Rented Baby Gear Through This Service For My Last Trip I Reunited With My First Love in Adulthood . . . and It Was a Disaster I Said "I Love You" to My Partner First I Sent Out a Greeting Card Every Day For 1 Week - Here's How It Changed My Relationships I Should Know I Solemnly Swear You're Going to Love This Harry Potter Wedding I Thought a Big City Would Be My Queer Sanctuary I Thought I'd Found My "Soulmate" - but I Was Wrong I Took My Kids on an RV Trip - Here Are 5 Things You Should Know Before Planning Your Own I Toured the Hocus Pocus Filming Locations (as a Witch) I Travel With My Emotional Support Animal I Tried Dating Like It Was 1999 - No Apps! - and Here's How I Met Guys IRL I Tried to Quit My Smartphone Addiction and (Spoiler Alert) Failed Miserably I Turned Off My Phone For 1 Week - Here's Why I'd Highly Recommend It I Use This Instagram Trick When I Forget to Boomerang Important Things I Want to Pay For Half of My Engagement Ring - Why Is That a Big Deal? I Want to Set One Up in My Living Room Right Now I Was a 9-Year-Old New Yorker on 9/11 I Was a Nervous Flyer Until I Started Using a Weighted Blanket I Was a Total Cynic Who Didn't Believe in Love I Was Blind in 1 Eye at My Wedding . . . and Hardly Anyone Knew I Was in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship I Was Today Years Old When I Learned This iPhone Hack For Closing All Safari Tabs at Once I Was Today Years Old When I Learned You Can Scan Documents on an iPhone Using the Notes App I Went on 30 Dates in 30 Days I Went to a Couples Resort With My Mom And It Was Actually Super Chill I Went to the Pasta World Championship in Italy I Will Not Be Traveling to Cuba I Wish My Best Friend and I Had a Proper Breakup; Instead I Wish Someone Had Told Me These 6 Tips Before I Did My First Boudoir Photo Shoot I'm 32 and Single I'm a Divorce Lawyer I'm a Married Divorce Attorney I'm a Member of the "Mass Shooting Generation I'm a Nervous Flyer I'm a Trans Guy I’m Afraid - But I Won’t Be Silenced I’m Calling Bullsh*t I'm Cry-Laughing Into My Rosé I'm Divorced I'm Divorced but I Don't Regret My Marriage I'm in an Amazing Relationship I'm Married and Still Follow My Exes on Social Media I'm Pansexual I'm Pretty Sure "Game of Phones" Will Be My New Favorite Party Activity I'm Still Wiping Tears Off My Face After Watching the New Love Has No Labels Film I'm the Only Married One in My Friend Group I've Been Going to Disney For 25 Years I've Been Married 11 Years and This Is What I Remember About My Wedding Day I've Been on 50 Flights in the Past 2 Years - This Is How I Don't Get Sick I've Been on 67 Solo Flights With My Toddler - Here's What I've Learned I've Been Online Dating For a Decade - Is My Time Up? If Annoying Men Are a Pain in Your Ash If Being On Planes Freaks You Out If Cinderella Saw These Glittery Converse If Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year Comes as a Surprise If Oprah Knocks on Your Door If These 22 Things Described Your Relationship If These 30 Signs Sound Familiar If They Cheated Before If This Underwater Villa in the Maldives Isn't on Your Bucket List If You Always Get the "Storage Almost Full" Message on Your Phone If You Are Saying "I Do" This Spring If You Can't Get Enough Royal Romance If You Carry Your Life in Your Bag If You Do This 1 Disney World Vacation Hack If You Drive Often If You Have Something to Say About "B*tchy" Virgos If You Love Adrenaline-Pumping Thrills Instead of Lazy Beach Days If You Love Lists If You Need Me If You Pay Close Attention to the Math Behind Pizza If You Ship Jon Snow and Ygritte If You Turn Your Laptop Off to "Let It Rest If You're Not Going to Disneyland in the Fall If You're Puerto Rican Like Me If You're Single If You're Traveling If You're Traveling This Season If You're Wearing an Apple Watch at Disneyland IFTTT in Case You Need Another Reason to Be Jolly In News That Just Changed My Life In Perhaps Most Relatable Moment Yet In Pop Culture In the Wake of #MeToo Including a Sloth Including the Haunted Mansion! Including Their 2015 Fist Bump Insider Tips For Saving Money on the Great Summer Road Trip Instagram Instagram Accidentally Released a Newsfeed Update Instagram Has Launched a Stupid-Easy Checkout Feature Instagram Is Testing Out an Update That Will Hide How Many Likes Your Posts Get Instagram Just Added the Ability to Send Voice Recordings Instagram Now Lets You Share More Personal Stories With a "Close Friends" List Instagram on Pc Instagram's New Feature Lets You Add a Donation Sticker to Your Story Instapaper Intimate Inspiration For Boudoir Photos InVision design tool Studio iOS iPhone Is "Flower Chasing" the New "Leaf Peeping"? 10 Destinations to See the Most Stunning Spring Flowers Is a Cheater a Cheater Forever? Here's What the Experts Have to Say Is Being Anxious Before Your Wedding a Bad Sign? Here's What the Experts Have to Say Is CBD Oil Allowed on Planes? Here's What You Need to Know About Traveling With It Is Dating Outside Your Political Party Impossible in 2019? Is It OK For the Same Zodiac Signs to Date? Watch Out For These Red Flags Is It OK to Have Oral Sex on Your Period? Is Love Is Romance or Heartache on the Horizon? Read Your 2019 Love Horoscope to Find Out Is So Powerful Is the Coolest City in the US Is There a "Best" Time of Year to Travel With Kids? The Answer Will Make You Say Is There Redemption? It Does Feel Weird It Doesn't Get Any Sexier Than This Moulin-Rouge-Inspired Bachelorette Party It Looks Weird But Also Very Comfy It Might Break Your Heart It's Almost Riddikulus It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like a Christmas-Themed Wedding It's Cold Outside" That Isn't So Damn Creepy It's Confirmed It's Lit: 49 Women on What They Love Most About Being Black It's No Wonder This Desert Resort Is Where Celebrities Are Vacationing - Just Look at It! It's Not a "Scary Time" For Men It's Not Too Late! Here Are 102 Last-Minute Valentine's Day Gifts That We Know He'll Love It's Not Vanilla - See Some of the Most Insane Ice Cream Flavors Ever! It's Only $38 Per Night It's Party Time! These 47 Bridal Shower Games Will Get Your Gathering in Full Swing It's Purfect It's Purrfect It's Raining Tens! Cash Goes Loose on Highway as People Make a Mad Dash to Grab It It's Ridiculous It's So Cold Out That Parts of Niagara Falls Are Freezing - See the Stunning Photos It's the Cutest Place to Stay! It's Time For Pro-Choice Presidential Candidates to Say the Word "Abortion" It’s Time For Pro-Choice Presidential Candidates to Say the Word “Abortion” It's Time to Give Thanks For These 16 Sexy Romances Out in November It's Written in the Stars - the Hot Wedding Theme of 2019 Is All Things Celestial Itching to Move? These Are the 20 Happiest Cities in America Ivanka Trump Actually Had the Audacity to Write an Anti-Human Trafficking Op-Ed Jacuzzi-Chilling Bear Inspire You to Live Your Best Summer Life Jameela Jamil Condemns Georgia’s "Fetal Heartbeat" Law and Opens Up About Having an Abortion Jet-Setters: Travel Smarter With These Convenient Tech Cases Jimmy Kimmel Responds to President Trump's Lies: "I’ll Tell You What Really Happened" Joe Biden Just Adopted His "Dogg-leganger John Oliver Trolled the FCC Because He's Fed Up With Robocalls Jon Stewart Has a Message For Donald Trump About His "Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness" Joy Just 34 Stunning Photos of Cherry Blossoms That'll Make You Bloom With Happiness Just 43 Beautiful Photos of Ireland to Fuel Your Irish Pride Just Got AirPods? Here's How to Connect Them to Your Phone Just in Time For International Women's Day Keeping Your Apps Organized Just Got So Much Easier Keyboard keyboard shortcuts Kids Klevio LAPTOP Last Minute Wedding Jitters are Totally Normal Last Week Made it Clear - There Are Real-Life Consequences of Online Harassment Last-Minute Wedding Jitters Are Totally Normal Leave Your Jeans at Home - These 11 Stylish Pants Are Perfect For Traveling Leslie "Dracarys" Jones Sets Alabama's Abortion Ban Ablaze on Saturday Night Live Let Michelle Obama Remind You Why Your Vote Matters Let the Countdown Begin! Walt Disney World Is Already Selling Tickets For Its Christmas Party Let This Margarita-Drinking Let's Go Flower Chasing - Top 10 Destinations to See Spring Flowers Around the World Let's Take a Look Back at President Obama's Best Turkey Pardon Punchlines Let’s Talk About Anti-Semitism and White Supremacy Like an Epic Cheers Lingerie Listen to the Ultimate Romantic Christmas Playlist Live Like a Bird For a Night at This Insanely Cool Big Sur Resort​ Liz and Molly's "Confetti Color Love Extravaganza" Might Just Be Our Favorite Wedding of the Year Liz and Molly's Wedding Is Outrageously Fun Lizzie McGuire? Cheetah Girls? Raven? These Disney Channel T-Shirts Are a '00s Dream Location Logaster Logo Logo Design Lolita's Lollipop Has Transformed From Sexist Symbol to Weapon of Choice Looka Looking For New Luggage? Shop These 10 Affordable Suitcases at Kohl's Lounging Never Looked Hotter Thanks to These Winter-Wear Essentials Love at First Sight Is Real - I Know Because It Happened to Me Love Game of Thrones? OkCupid Will Now Let You Prove It With a Badge on Your Profile lunches Lyft Is Offering Discounted Rides to Black History Museums and Black-Owned Businesses All Month Made Especially for Curvy Girls Magical Harry Potter Tattoo Ideas Male Cheerleaders Are Going to Perform at the Super Bowl For the First Time in NFL History Mamma Mia! How Can You Resist This Adorable Wedding? Mandy Moore Glows at the Foot of Everest - Everything to Know About Her Base Camp Hike Mark Your Calendars! A (Not Fake) Super Blood Wolf Moon Is Happening This Month Marriage Is Golden Master the Art of Mutual Masturbation With These Expert Tips Matt Damon Made an SNL Appearance as Brett Kavanaugh Matt Damon Reprises His Role as Brett Kavanaugh in This Hilarious SNL Christmas Skit Meet Katie Bouman Meet the Best Stocking Stuffers of the Holiday Season Meet the Most Badass Women of Fall Fiction Merriam-Webster Just Added "Stan" to the Dictionary MeUndies Sells Matching Underwear For You and Your "Significant Otter Mexico Michelle Obama Encourages Americans to Join When We All Vote's Week of Action Michelle Obama Has Her #VotingSquad Lined Up. Do You? Michelle Obama Opens Up About Why She'll "Never Forgive" Trump Michelle Obama Weighs in on the #MeToo Movement and Why There’s More Work to Do Michelle Obama's Powerful Open Letter to Chicago Addresses the Idea of Failure MICROSOFT Microsoft and Publicis Millennials Are Flocking to Breckenridge Miss Michigan Perfectly Addressed the Flint Water Crisis During Her Miss America Intro Miss the Good Old Days? Here Are 10 Ways to Simplify Your Technology-Driven Life Missing the Battery Percentage on Your iPhone Status Bar? Here's How to Find It or Get It Back mobile devices Modcloth Just Dropped a Seriously Cute Collab With Hello Kitty Money Monopoly Pizza Is Here More Than 250 Morocco Mother of Dragons! This Gorgeous Game of Thrones-Inspired Wedding Has Details Straight Out of the Series Motorola Razrs Are Coming Back Mouse Much to My Bank Account's Dismay Mugler Created the Easiest Way to Travel With Fragrance (So Back Off Mx! United Is the First Airline With Nonbinary Gender Booking Options My Beach Umbrella Is Quaking My Best Friend Broke Up With Me and I'm Still Not Over It My Birthday Is Coming Up and I'm Going to Celebrate as I Always Do: Kid-Free My Dog Is Going to Hate When I Travel Now My English Name Was Inspired by My Favorite Childhood Actress My Ethnicity Is a Mystery My Husband and I Broke Up So Many Times When We Were Dating My Husband and I Dated For 10 Years Before Marriage My Kids Aren't That Into Disney My Mom My Mom Took Over My Dating Life - Here's What Happened My Partner and I Didn't Have Sex on Our Wedding Night My Partner and I Took Our Sweet Time Before Saying "I Do My SO and I Lived Together Before We Got Married Need a Lyft? Here's How to Get Discounted Rides to Museums for Women's History Month Need to Block Someone on Facebook? Read This Neither Did We network New Dating Apps - Here Are Our Top Picks For Finding Love in 2019 New Dating Trends - What You Need to Know About Meeting Someone in 2019 New Year news Nia Wilson’s Death Should Spark a Reckoning About Fatal Violence Against Black Women and Girls No Boys Allowed: 30+ Duo Costumes to Rock With Your BFF No Matter What - All Under $20 Not Into Drinking? Here Are the Best Bachelorette Destinations For Relaxation and Wellness Not Marijuana Not Sure How to Turn Off Your iPhone X Without a Home Button? Here's the Simple Trick NOTEBOOK 7 SPIN Nothing Can Top the Look on This Groom's Face When He First Sees His Christmas Bride Nothing Says Fall Like a Weekend in a Cozy Barn Notre-Dame's Beautiful History - in Pictures Now Meghan Markle Is Reportedly "Difficult" - and as a Black Woman NTFS Nurses O Romeo Obama Says "Men Have Been Getting On My Nerves Lately" Obsessed With Your AirPods? You Need These 12 Brilliant Accessories of Course Of Course These Surf Shop Owners Threw the Chillest (and Prettiest) Wedding in the Keys Oh Oh My Disney's New Swim Collection Is Inspired by Mickey Oh My Genie! Disney's Aladdin Mickey Ears Are Shining Oh My! This Halloween Wedding Has It All OMG On Being Called "Brown Sugar" and "Oprah" in Morocco online payments Online Store Online Tech Tips Onlinelogomaker Only Stream These Movies on Netflix If You Like Drop-Dead Sexy Guys Only the Biggest Haunted Mansion Fans Can Handle Disney's New Hatbox Ghost Ears Open Office OR or Blue? Here's What Each Rose Color Means For Your Relationship or Boyfriend Oral Sex During Your Period: Yes or No? OS X Oui! 25 Picturesque Paris Spots You Absolutely Need to Visit Over 100 Bridesmaids From Real Weddings That Will Give You ALL the Inspiration Pack Your Bags Pack Your Bags - These Top 10 Spring Travel Destinations Are Calling Your Name Pack Your Bags! Here Are the Top Travel Destinations For Summer 2019 Pants! 11 Comfy Travel Dresses to Wear on the Plane This Fall and Winter Paola Ramos's New Vice Series Asks: What Does It Mean to Be Latinx? Passionate Passwords People Are Flocking to This "Cliff" in Thailand to Take Some Truly WILD Photos People Are Giving Nancy Pelosi a Standing Ovation For Her State of the Union Clapping People Are Leaving "I Voted" Stickers on Susan B. Anthony's Grave to Honor Her Legacy People Can't Stop Talking About This AirPods Live Listen Hack and Its Sneaky Uses phone photography Pinterest Plane-Friendly Face Masks That Won't Make You Enemies on Your Next Flight Planning Your Memorial Day Getaway? Check Out 20 of the Best Lake Towns in America Play "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell Playful Please Politicians and Family Pay Tribute to George H.W. Bush Following His Death Pop Culture - and American Politics - Continue to Obscure Working Moms' Realities Pop Culture and American Politics Continue to Obscure Working Moms' Realities Praise For Christine Blasey Ford Is a Reminder of Scorn For Anita Hill Prepare to Feel Mesmerized by This Spinning Ice Disk That Looks a Whole Lot Like the Moon Prepare to Obsess Over This New $68 Suitcase on Amazon President Trump Pretty in Pink: 11 of the Best Places to Spot Cherry Blossoms This Spring Price Prince Charles Just Opened a Bed and Breakfast Prisma privacy policy Promposals Are the New Proposals - 100+ Creative Ways to Pop the Question to Your Date PSA: Here Are the 70+ New Emoji Featured in Apple's Latest Update! PSA: The Roomba Vacuum You've Always Wanted Is $120 Off For Amazon Prime Day PTSD Is Like Being Caught in a Battle Between My Brain and Body Publicis Pumpkin Spice Season Is Almost Here Pumpkins Queen of Traveling Raise the Woof! 50+ Pet Travel Products That Make Summer Vacations a Lot Easier Rally the Kids! 10 Fabulous Summer Travel Locations on Airbnb for Families Ranked From Best to Worst Rapunzel Read 'Em and Weep! 101 Tattoos Inspired by Famous Books Read This First Read Up on Every Disneyland Ride Height Requirement Before Your Family Trip Reading Tiny Menu Print Just Got So Much Easier Thanks to the iPhone's Magnifier Real Women on Why They've Cheated Despite Being Happy in Relationships Real Women Share Their Tips For Talking Dirty Like a Pro Real-Life Disneyland Belle Marries Her Prince in This Beauty and the Beast Shoot Really Hate Being Alone Red Red Alert: Lisa Frank Has a Freakin' SpongeBob Line Redownload Your Bumble App Remain Calm: Spirit Halloween Launched a Hocus Pocus Collection Remember That Rose Gold Minnie-Ears Necklace? Now There Are Matching Earrings! Remember That Rose-Gold Minnie Ears Necklace? Now There Are Matching Earrings! remotely open door Resulting in This Fun Wedding Right Now Would Be a Picturesque (but Freaking Freezing) Time to Visit Niagara Falls Robert Mueller and Trump Jr. Almost Had an Airport Run-In - and Now It's a Meme Romeo! Wherefore Art Thou Romeo? At This Gorgeous Shakespearean Wedding Rose Gold Fans Roses Are Red samsung Samsung Is Releasing a Foldable Smartphone Sasheer Zamata Confronts Technology's Racial Bias in This Spot-On Samantha Bee Segment Save For Later Say "Yes" to Portability With the Help of Walmart's 8 Top-Rated Bluetooth Earbuds Say Goodbye to Ghosting - 10 Dating Podcasts For Single Millennials Say Hello to 55+ Cool New Emoji Coming Soon Scalding Response Scarlett Johansson and Chadwick Boseman Discuss Their First Times in This Hilarious Voting PSA Score Major Points With 21 Gifts For Meeting the Family self-driven cars Self-Love Doesn't Have to Be a Solo Activity - Double the Pleasure With These Tips For 2 Selfie Into Art Sexual Assault Survivors Share Heart-Wrenching Stories Live on C-SPAN During Kavanaugh Hearing Sexual Traits You Might Have Based On Your Zodiac Sign Sexy Level Shay Mitchell She Ghosted Me Shh! 5 Websites to Start Your Secret Santa Gift Exchange Shhh . . . 9 Secrets Women Keep From Men Shimmering Shine On Shopping For a Suitcase? These Are the 7 Best Choices on Amazon Should You Buy a Disney World Annual Pass? Should You Consider an Open Marriage? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions First Should You Hire an Astrologer to Be Your Matchmaker? Should You Tell Your Friend She's Being Cheated On? Show Him Some Love This Valentine's Day With the 131 Best High-Tech Gifts of 2019 Singles: Get Ready to Swipe Right on the Most Popular Dating Day of the Year Sit Back and Relax Skeletal Limbs Skin Care Is Reaching New Heights With This Sunday Riley x United Airlines Collection Skip the Crowds: Here Are 10 Alternative Destinations to Visit in 2019 Sláinte! 17 Great Cities to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Around the World smartphone SMS Snack Your Way Through Disneyland With This Delectable Snap! 40+ Perfect Gifts For the Photographer on Your Holiday Shopping List Snapchat's New Features Are Perfect For Friends Who Only Communicate in Bitmoji SNL Brought Bill Hader and Ben Stiller Together to Recreate the Michael Cohen Hearing SNL's "Leave Me Alurn" Is the Perfect Repellent SNL's Elizabeth Warren Defends Her 2020 Candidacy With a Medical Comparison Snow Shredders: Hit the Slopes at the Top Ski Destinations Trending This Winter So So Alexa So Book 1 of These! So Bust Out Your Fanny Packs So Call the Moving Company So Don't Stress If You Forget Sunscreen So Excuse Me While I Book My Stay So Excuse Us While We Fly There and Never Come Back So Grab Your Girlfriends! So I Guess That's a Step in the Right Direction So Our Fairy Godmother WAS Listening So Planning Starts Now! So Remind Me What Year It Is Again? So Start Running For Your Wallet So That Means It's Time For a Vacation! So Treat Yourself For Your Next Vacation So We Can Rest in Peace This Summer So We Can Stop Trying Now So You Might Just Need Them All So You're Registered to Vote - Now What? Social Media Software Sparkle-Lovers - You Can Now Buy Disney's Rose Gold Ears Backpack Online! Sparkling Wedding Shoot Splendid Spoil Your Grandparents as Much as They Spoil You With These Gifts This Holiday Season Spooky Spotify Spotify Is Currently Testing Out a Cheaper Subscription Plan For 2 People Star Wars Fans - These Are the Stocking Stuffers You're Looking For Star Wars Land Isn't a Galaxy Far Starbucks Just Opened a 4-Story Location in Tokyo - BRB Start Saving Up Start Your Trip in Style With a Celebrity-Approved Airport Outfit Starting at Just $2 Starting in 2021 Startup Battlefield Europe Steve Martin Returned to SNL As Recently-Indicted Roger Stone: "Pardon Me?" Stick Together ALL Night With This Hilarious Ugly Sweater Made For 2 Stick Together ALL Night With This Hilarious Ugly Sweater Made For Two Still Don't Have a Valentine's Day Present? Your Guy Will Love One of These 14 Gifts Still Friends With an Ex on Social Media? Here's When You Should Delete Them Still Friends With an Ex on Social Media? Here's Why You Should Delete Them Stop Making Women Answer For Abusive Men Stop! Read This Before Going to the Airport During Flu Season Straight From the Experts Summer Never Ends! Here's How to DIY a Unicorn Pool Float Costume This Halloween Summer Road Trip? Add These 24 Charming American Small Towns to Your List Summer Vacation Summer! The Top 45 Memorial Day Weekend Destinations in the US Sun and Fun: 10 Caribbean Islands That Are a Must Visit For Families Survivors Relive the Parkland Shooting in New Take It From Me - Dating a Coworker Is a Horrible Idea Target Target Just Released a Boho Luggage Collection Target's Affordable Bridal Shower Finds Have Everything You Need to Host a Boozy Brunch Taurus Girls! These 10 Gifts Are Perfect For Your Personality Tauruses TC Teachers Teachers Can Score a Well-Deserved FREE Norwegian Cruise - Here's How Texting Is Great Thank Goodness I'm Not the Only One Who Just Learned How to Type a Degree Symbol on an iPhone Thank You Thanks For Asking Thanks to These Genius Car Gadgets From Target Thanks to This Cool iPhone Feature Thanks to This Little-Known iPhone Hack Thanks to This Naughty Advent Calendar That's 1 Option The #10YearChallenge Is Harder on Women Than You Think The 1 Dealbreaker in a Relationship Based on Your Zodiac Sign The 1 Simple Thing My Husband Does to Show Me He Cares Every Day The 1 Thing I Regret Doing With My Family on My Disney Vacation The 1 Thing Men Find Irresistible in a Woman The 1 Thing My Husband and I Do Every Year For Our Marriage The 1 Word You Should Never Say in an Argument With Your Significant Other The 10 Best Places to Travel Alone in the US The 10 Best Travel Gifts From Amazon in 2018 - All Under $20 The 10 Best Travel Products From Amazon - All Under $20 The 10 Best US Cities to Celebrate Pride In This Year The 10 New Products That'll Make Your Life Easier The 100 Best High-Tech Gifts of 2018 for Any Guy in Your Life The 11 Best Sex Toys Found on Amazon The 11 Most Popular Books to Read During Women's History Month The 11 Trendiest Destinations to Visit This Fall The 12 Best Carry-On Bags to Help Your Survive the Dreaded Holiday Travel Season The 12 Easiest Ways to Keep Your Touchscreen Clean - Because It's Disgusting AF The 13 Most Instagram-Worthy Suitcases That Are Perfect For Your Airport OOTD The 13 Products a Beauty Editor Can't Travel Without The 14 Best Carry-On Bags to Help Your Survive the Summer Travel Season in Style The 15 Coolest Places to Celebrate Halloween Across the United States The 16 Must-Read Romances You'll Be Thankful For This Month The 16 Tech Gifts That Everyone's Going to Want This Season - All Under $50 The 17 Coolest Gadgets of 2019 Are So Genius The 18 Coolest Gadgets of 2019 Are So Genius The 18 Creepiest Haunted Houses in America Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine The 19 Hottest Sex Scenes From Game of Thrones The 20 Best Small Towns to Celebrate the Fourth of July This Summer The 20 Hottest Sex Scenes From Game of Thrones The 29 Steamiest Movie Sex Scenes of All Time The 29 Tech Products We're Lusting After in 2019 the 29-Year-Old Who Made It Possible to See a Black Hole The 30 Best US Cities to Visit With Kids in Tow The 31 Best High-Tech Gifts of 2018 for Any Guy in Your Life The 7 Best Bites at Disneyland's Pixar Pier the App That Updates You on Crime in Real Time The Bachelor Couples: Where Are They Now? The Bachelorette Couples: Where Are They Now? The Best Advice I Got About Choosing My Bridal Party The Best Black Friday Tech Deals Have Arrived The Best Cities to Celebrate Oktoberfest Around the World (Outside of Munich) The Best Horoscope Apps of 2019 The Best Star Wars Gifts You Can Buy For Under $50 The Best Type of Weed to Smoke For Your Zodiac Sign The Best Walt Disney World Attractions For Preschoolers The Biggest Mistake I Made Before Hiking to Machu Picchu The Bouquets Had Lightsaber Handles at This Star Wars Wedding - and the Bride Wore Black The Bride Was the Belle of the Ball in This Beauty and the Beast-Themed Engagement Shoot The Bride Wore Shimmering Stars at This Shakespeare-Inspired Wedding The Case For Keeping Cannabis Weird The Complicated Reasons Some People Cheat on Their Chronically Ill Partners The Dating Mistakes to Avoid in 2019 The Definitive Classic Love Songs Wedding Playlist The Definitive Guide to Visiting Disney World With Kids the Equal Rights Amendment Is Unfinished Business The Fight Against AIDS Isn't a Sprint - It's a Marathon The Fires Devastating Both Northern and Southern California Are Truly Haunting the Flask Bracelet Every Liquor-Loving Lady Needs - Available on Amazon! The Game Plan The Grey's Anatomy Guide to Seattle - For True Superfans Only! The Harry Potter Game From the Creators of Pokémon Go Will Magically Arrive in 2019 The Heartwarming Story Behind This Surprise Proposal Is a Testament That Love Conquers All The Hottest Dark Fantasy Reads For Fall The Hottest Destinations For Bachelorette Parties in 2019 - Where Will You Go? The iPhone Hyphen Trick Is Seriously Nerve-Wracking - Here's What You Need to Know The Meaning of Diwali and How I Do It My Own Way The Moments When People Knew They'd Found Someone Worth the Risk The Most Powerful Photos From the Tense Senate Hearing on Brett Kavanaugh The Mountain Setting of This Engagement Shoot Is Gorgeous The New Apple Watch Is Basically a Heart Doctor For Your Wrist - Here's the Lowdown The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris Catches Fire The Pay Gap Between Men and Women Is Unacceptable - and It's Even Worse For Women of Color The Perfect Excuse to Stay Under the Blankets Today: Cuddling Has Some Pretty Great Effects The Philogynist Pledge - 10 Ways Men Can Support the Women's Movement the Political Dynamo Responding to Trump's SOTU The Pros Have Spoken: These Are the Best Hair Tools to Travel With The Quickest Way to Find Your Top 9 Instagram Posts of 2018 The Quirky Charm in This Wedding Will Absolutely Warm Your Heart The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel Is Celebrating Its 125th Anniversary by Giving 1 Guest a $15 The Sad Truth - Sometimes Divorce Is the Best Option The Seating Chart in This Modern Beauty and the Beast Wedding Shoot Is Made of Books! The Sexiest Books of All Time Will Have You Blushing With Every Turn of the Page The Sexiest Novels of 2019 So Far - No Guilt Required The Simple Thing I Started Doing That Made My Marriage Infinitely Better The Stars Have Come to Earth in This Heavenly Neon Celestial-Themed Wedding The Super Snow Moon Is the Biggest and Brightest Event of 2019 - and It's Tonight! The Tasteful Girl's Guide to Taking Nudes The Tech Gifts Guaranteed to Make Anyone Smile - They'll Arrive in Time For Christmas! The Telling Sign You're in a Toxic Relationship and Need to Get Out Now The Top 10 US Road Trip Destinations For Families The Ultimate Churro Guide For a Sugar Rush at Disneyland The Ultimate Gift Guide For Grown-Up Disney-Lovers The Ultimate Road Trip Playlist The Unexpected Red Flag That Meant My Partner Was Cheating on Me The Wedding Day Photo Checklist: Pin Now The Wisteria Flower Tunnels of Japan Look Like a Fairy Tale Come to Life Then You Will Love This Styled Wedding Shoot There Are 5 Items Hidden in This Valentine's Day Brain-Teaser - Can You Spot Them All? There's a Coffin Pool Float Now There's a Floating Taco Bar in the Caribbean There's a Limit to How Many Instagram Stories You Can Post in 1 Day There's a New Instagram Function For Your Followers to Ask You Questions There's a New Mickey Mouse Pop-Up Museum at Disneyland There's a Peanuts-Themed Hotel in Japan There's a Period Emoji Coming There's a Water Park For Kids With Disabilities There's Laser Tag) These '90s Bachelorette Party Accessories Are All That and a Bag of Chips These '90s-Inspired Boombox Speakers Are the Cutest Things Ever and I Need Them All These $25 Compression Socks Totally Transformed My Swollen Legs These 10 Gifts Were Made Just For You These 10 Packing Cubes Make Traveling a Breeze - Even for Chronic Overpackers These 10 Plane Activities Will Keep Any Kid Entertained from Takeoff to Touchdown These 10 Travel Bags Will Have You Booking Your Next Vacation ASAP These 100+ Feminist Gifts Celebrate Iconic Women in History These 100+ Map Tattoos Will Give You Major Wanderlust These 101 Disney Princess Tattoos Are the Fairest of Them All These 102 Feminist Gifts Are Fierce These 11 Lingerie Sets Look Fancy . . . but They're All on Amazon and Under $13 These 12 Clear Cosmetic Bags Will Give You 1 Less Thing to Worry About at the Airport These 12 Women Changed the World and You May Not Even Know Their Names These 120 Stocking Stuffers Are Already Better Than Whatever Is Under the Christmas Tree These 13 Clever Car Products From Walmart Will Make Life Easier These 14 Travel Dresses Are on Big-Time Sale These 15 Vacations Are For You These 16 Essential Gadgets Are Under $50 These 17 Stylish Travel Bags Prove You Don't Have to Sacrifice Fashion for Function These 18 Unreal National Parks Need to Go on Your Bucket List ASAP These 24 Restaurants Have the Best of Both Worlds: Instagrammable Decor and Great Food These 3-Stone Engagement Rings Have a Very Special Meaning Behind Them These 50+ Gifts Will Have Your Man Giving You Major Heart Eyes These 6 Accessories Will Help You Avoid Getting Pickpocketed While Traveling These 6 Zodiac Signs Really These 7 Condoms Will All Give Max Pleasure These 7 Sexy Bras Look Expensive These Abandoned Disney Park Photos Look Like Scenes From a Postapocalyptic World These Adult-Only Disney Cruise Line Activities are Practically Perfect in Every Way These Are the 20 Happiest Cities in America Right Now These Are the 30+ Hottest iPhone XS Cases You Need to Be Shopping These Are the 7 Biggest Differences Between an Android and an iPhone These Are the Best Honeymoon Destinations For Every Zodiac Sign These Are the Little Things Women Notice About Their S.O. When in Love These Are the Little Things Women Notice About Their SO When in Love These Artistic Takes on Disney Princesses Will Change the Way You See Them Forever These Birth Flower Tattoos Might Make You Forget About Your Zodiac Sign These Colorful Disney World Engagement Pictures Are SO Dreamy These Connect-the-Dot Puzzles Look a Lot Easier Than They Actually Are These Creative (and Creepy!) Ideas Will Inspire the Halloween Wedding of Your Dreams These Disney Vintage Travel Posters Have Me Ready to Discover a Whole New World These Fall Festivals Will Give You a Hankering For Hot Cider These Female Animators Are "Fed the F*ck Up" With Sexual Harassment These Grooms Broke Out Into Choreography During Their First Dance These Groomsmen Parodied Their Friend's Engagement Shoot and the Photos Are Hilarious These Heated Unicorn Slippers Are What Every Couch Potato Needs - Your Feet Will Be Toasty! These Ideas Will Bring the Magic of Movies Into Your Wedding These Incredible Hiking Destinations Should Inspire Your Next Vacation These Instagram-Worthy Spots in Tokyo Will Make Your Followers Insanely Envious These New Wedding Trends Will Make Everyone Fall in Love With 2019 These Outdoor Speakers Are Ready For Whatever You Throw at Them - So Bring On the Summer Adventures! These Photos From the Loveland Theme Park in South Korea Will Make You Blush These Politically Charged Music Videos Had Us Screaming "Do It For the Culture!" in 2018 These Scenes From the Midwest Polar Vortex Will Chill You to the Bone These Tech Hacks Are More Life-Changing Than Marie Kondo's Folding Method These Unreal Pics of the 2019 Super Bloom Will Have You Booking a Flight to SoCal ASAP These Wedding Bouquets Are For You These Zodiac Signs Are the Least Likely to Marry They Answered - A Bunch of Guys Share Their Best Dating Tips (That Actually Work) They Answered: A Bunch of Guys Share Their Best Dating Tips (That Actually Work) They Had the Most Epic Trash-the-Dress Shoot They'll Change Your Daily Life Forever They're Classics for a Reason! 19 Pretty Bags You'll Wear Year After Year Think Disneyland Is Free on Your Birthday? Here’s What You Can Expect at the Park Think Outside the Dinner-and-Drinks Box - 19 Dates to Try in 2019 Thirty This "Cliff" in Brazil Makes For the Most INSANE Photo Opps - See For Yourself! This 1 Hack Completely Saves My Sanity While Traveling With My Kids During the Holidays This 1 Thing Might Give You Better and Stronger Orgasms This 24-Piece Sex Toy Advent Calendar Will Make Your Holidays Hotter Than Mulled Wine This 95-Year-Old Grandma and Her Amazing Birthday Bash Prove You're Only as Old as You Feel This Addicting Color Quiz Will Have You Questioning Your Eyesight This Aladdin-Themed Anniversary Shoot Is From a Whole New World This App Freezes Kids' Phones Until They Call Their Parents Back This Artist Gave the Disney Princesses a Plus-Size Makeover This Barnyard Wizard of Oz Wedding Will Make You Want to Click Your Heels 3 Times This Beach in South Africa Is COVERED With Penguins This Beauty and the Beast Wedding Is a Dream Come True This Brain Teaser Will Make You Want to Throw Your Phone in the Trash This Brain-Teaser Will Drive Even the Biggest Grammar Nerd Insane This Brand Created a Networking Retreat For Black Women This Brick Wall Optical Illusion Will Make You Go INSANE This Bride Could Not Stop Cracking Up at Her Wedding Party's Choreographed Disney Dance This Bride Made 20 DIY Food-Inspired Piñatas For Her "Summer BBQ" Wedding This Bride Traveled the Globe in Her Wedding Dress and Took the Dreamiest Photos Along the Way This Canadian Wedding Is Equal Parts Understated Elegance and Outrageous Fun This Christmas Brain-Teaser Is Deceptively Tricky - Can You Solve It? This Classic Detroit Wedding Displays the True Beauty of the City This Company Puts Your Pet’s Face Onto Your Suitcase and OMG This Cool iPhone Feature Lets You Limit Your Screen Time (No Willpower Required) This Cool iPhone Hack Will Make Sure You Never Miss Another Friend's Birthday This Cool Trick Will Blow Your Mind This Couple Drastically Transformed Their Trailer This Couple Got a Second Chance at Their "First Look This Couple Got Their Happily Ever After With a Fairy Tale-Themed Wedding This Couple Got Their Happily Ever After With a Fairy-Tale-Themed Wedding This Couple Had a Giant Bouncy Castle at Their Wedding This Couple Had a Real-Life Meet-Cute While in the Air Force This Couple Had a Spectacular Wedding With a View (and a Slide!) This Couple Just Took Miami's Heat Up a Notch With Their Steamy Wedding Shoot This Couple Met Right Before These Sexy Beach Photos Were Taken - but You'd Never Guess It This Couple Rented Out Toy Story Mania For Their Disneyland Wedding This Couple Took Their Wedding Photos at Cracker Barrel This Couple Transformed a Dated Trailer Into a Dreamy Vacation Home on Wheels This Couple's "Rainbow"-Themed Wedding Has a Sweet Backstory - and Check Out the Bridesmaids! This Couple's Dramatic Desert Photo Shoot Is Equal Parts Playful and Red-Hot Sex Appeal This Couple's Love Story Had the Makings of a Romantic Comedy - See Their Fun Wedding! This Día De Los Muertos Wedding Shoot Was Inspired by a Mexican Artist This Disney Princess Wedding Is a Dream Come True! This Disney World Bar Has the Most Spectacular View of the Park This Ex-NASA Engineer Is Putting an End to Package Theft - One Glitter Bomb at a Time This Family of 6 Lives in a 31-Foot Vintage Airstream - Just Wait Till You See the Inside! This Festive Game-of-Thrones-Themed Wedding Is a Medieval Fantasy Come to Life This Free and Easy App Lets You See Who Unfollows You on Instagram This Frozen-Inspired Wedding Shoot Will Warm Your Heart This Girl Turned Her AirPods Into Earrings So She'll Never Lose Them This Glitter-Filled Wedding Had Such a Sweet Surprise For the Color-Blind Groom This Gorgeous Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Wedding Shoot Would Make Dumbledore Proud This Gorgeous Halloween Wedding Was Inspired by Disney's Haunted Mansion! This Gorgeous Rustic Wedding Elegantly Incorporates Nature Into the Nuptials This Greatest Showman-Themed Wedding Will Make Your Heart Sing This Guy's Insight on What It's Like to Be Colorblind Is Equal Parts Funny and Thoughtful This Guy's Slack Costume Is Spot On - Just Wait Until You Hear His Notification Impression This Guy's Spoof About Millennial Boyfriends Is So Accurate This Halloween Wedding Is Scary Adorable This Halloween Wedding Shoot Is a Gothic Fairy Tale Come to Life - Complete With Live Snake! This Handy Little Trick Lets You Take Photos on Your iPhone Even When Your Storage Is Full This Harry Potter Slytherin Wedding Is Wicked Enchanting This Haunting Wedding Shoot Takes "Goth-Chic" to a Whole New This Hauntingly Beautiful Wedding Will Give You Chills and Inspiration at the Same Time This Heated Scarf Is Designed to Keep You Warm For 5 Hours This Hilarious SNL Skit Answers the Question: What If Donald Trump Was Black? This Hot Springs Waterfall in Italy Is So Dreamy This Illegal Hike in Hawaii Is Nicknamed the "Stairway to Heaven" For Good Reason This Independence Day Wedding Rocks Its Subtle Theme This INSANE Edited Photo of the Super Moon Looks Straight Out of Star Wars This INSANE Photo of the Super Moon Looks Straight Out of Star Wars This iPhone Keyboard Feature Makes Typing With One Hand a Piece of Cake This Is Exactly What an Epic Star Wars Wedding Could Look Like This Is Exactly What to Do If You Lose Your Passport in Another Country This Is How to Throw a Galentine's Day Party Your Girlfriends Will Never Forget! This Is the Bestselling Speaker Everyone's Raving About - It's So Portable! This Is the Sexy Costume You Should Wear in the Bedroom This Is THE Year to Celebrate Día de los Muertos at Disney This Is What Couples Need to Do to Keep Their Sex Life Exciting This Is What Happens to Our Skin When We Travel (Spoiler Alert: It’s Not Pretty) This Is What It's Like to Have a Long-Distance Marriage This Is Why It Feels So Good to Give Back This Isn't Just a Normal Box of Candy - It Teaches a Lesson About Toxic Relationships This Lesbian Couple Had the BEST Response to a Neighborhood Troll This Lion King and Aladdin Swim Line Means No Worries For the Rest of Our Summer Days This Little-Known iPhone Space Bar Hack Has Everyone Losing Their Minds This Luxurious Montreal Wedding Will Take Your Breath Away With Its Elegant Charm This Magical Harry Potter-Themed Coffee Shop Is Begging Us to "Slytherin" For a Butterbeer This Magical Hotel in Sweden Lets You Sleep Among the Trees This Magical Wedding Shoot Is Like a Sparkly Unicorn in a Field of Horses This Married Couple Brought the Heat and High Drama to Their Breathtaking Photo Shoot This Married Couple's Steamy Canyon Photo Shoot May Cause You to Sweat Profusely - It's THAT Hot This Math Problem Will Make You Lose Your Mind This Math Problem Will Make You Question Everything You Ever Knew About Algebra This Mini Selfie Light Is a Must Have For Festival Season This New "Supremely" Hot Sauce - Get It? - Features 3 of the Most Badass Female Justices This New App Is Going to Make Meeting Up With Friends For Happy Hour SO Much Easier This New App Is Like Dance Dance Revolution - For Your Face This New California T-Shirt Isn't Just Cute - It Also Contributes to Wildfire Relief Donations This New Immersive Hello Kitty Restaurant Is Right Out of a Dream - See All the Details! This New Instagram Filter Is a Selfie Game-Changer This New Instagram Sticker Lets You Quiz Your Friends This New Photo of Little Miss Flint Is a Striking Reminder of How Long the Water Crisis Has Gone On This Office-Themed Wedding Deserves ALL of Michael Scott's Dundies This Optical Illusion Quiz Determines What Type of Thinker You Are This Parisian Wedding Is What Dreams Are Made Of - but the Groom's Regal Cape Stole the Show This Perfume Bottle AirPods Case Will Make You Feel Fancy as Hell This Photographer Planned Her Own Travel-Themed Baby Shower This Prewedding Playlist Will Make Getting Ready For Your Big Day So Much More Fun This Quirky Wedding Had a Dog in a Tux This Romantic Destination Wedding Will Fuel Your Wanderlust This Sleep Mask Is Also a Pair of Headphones This Sneaky Airpods Hack Will Let You Hear Conversations When You Leave the Room This Snowy Michigan Wedding Will Blow Your Mind This Star-Studded Telethon Doesn't Want Your Money This Stylish Table Lamp Shows Your BFF You're Thinking of Them With 1 Simple Touch This Surfboard Photo Could Be the Next "The Dress" Debate: Do You See Bumps or Grooves? This Surprise Proposal at the Eiffel Tower Has an Astonishing Twist That You Won't See Coming This Tangled-Themed Wedding Is Absolutely Divine This Therapist Has Dedicated Her Life to Helping an LGBTQ+ Community in Crisis This Transparent Bubble Hotel in Bali Is Pretty Magical - Oh This Travel Essential Will Banish Holiday Headaches This Triangle Brain Teaser Will Make You Want to Throw Your Computer Out the Damn Window This True Crime App Definitely Isn't For the Faint of Heart - Here's How It Works This Valentine's Day This Valentine's Day Brain-Teaser Is So Puzzling This Video of Marie Kondo Packing a Suitcase Will Make You Rethink All the Junk You Normally Take on Vacay This Viral Song Perfectly Explains How No This Waterfall in Brazil "Swallows" You Whole (and Spits You Back Out in a River!) This Wedding Is a Spectacular Ode to Iconic Movies - From Disney Classics to Ghostbusters This Wedding Photographer Shared His Favorite Shots This Wedding Photographer's Best Photos of 2018 Exemplify the Beauty This Wedding Proves You Can Go Festive Without Making It All About the Fourth of July This Wedding's Cityscape Backdrop Was Almost as Gorgeous as the Bride's Twinkly Dress This Winter This Wintry Vermont Wedding Will Have You Singing "Let It Snow" in No Time This Women’s History Month This Woodsy Wedding Is Stunning - but It's the Bride's Gown That Will Take Your Breath Away This Year's Out100 List Is the Most Powerful Those Moves! Thrill-Seekers Throw a Wedding Even Cinderella Would Be Jealous of With These Disney Details Tired of Soggy Sandwiches? Pack These 10 Travel-Approved Sammies Instead To the Stranger Who Offered to Help me on a Flight: You Don't Know How Much It Mattered Tokyo Disneyland Has Been Crowned 2018's "Happiest Place on Earth" - Here Are the Pics to Prove It Too Top Travel Trends For the Female Traveler in 2019 Touch 2 Continents at Once on This Epic Dive in Iceland - the Photos Are Out of This World! Transform Your Wedding Into an Enchanting Fairy Tale With These Disney-Inspired Ideas Transgender Military Veteran Laila Ireland: "We Just Want to Be Like Everyone Else" travel Travel Across the Seven Kingdoms With This Immersive Game of Thrones Itinerary in Ireland Travel Within the USA Is Underrated - Here's Why You Should Do More of It Travelers Swear by This "Pillow" and Traveling Abroad? Here Are the 9 Mistakes You're Most Likely to Make Traveling in 2019? With This Sleek Luggage Traveling Solo? Here Are 11 Fun Things to Do to Enjoy Your Own Company Traveling Solo? Here's 11 Fun Things to Do to Enjoy Your Own Company Traveling This Holiday Season? Here Are 17 Gifts That Will Fit in Your Suitcase Treat Your New iPhone XR to 1 of These Dazzling Trick or Treat! Modcloth Launched a Halloween Shop That'll Get You in the Spooky Spirit Trump Called Omarosa a "Dog Try Flying With These Relaxing Beauty Products Try the KonMari Method on Your Social Media Feed; It Feels Like an Act of Self-Care Try These 15 Tips Before Giving Up on Your Relationship and Moving On TSA) Tulum Is So Yesterday! This Year's Go-To Tropical Vacation Spot Is Baha Mar in the Bahamas Turn Off R. Kelly and Turn Up For Black Women Turn Your Photos Into Boomerangs With This Quick Instagram Stories Hack - It's So Cool! Uber Uber Now Offers a "Quiet Mode" So You Can Avoid Small Talk - but There's a Catch Um Unique Vintage Is Bringing Barbie's Retro Wardrobe to Life United Wants You to Design a Plane in the Name of Badass Women - Find Out How Universal Orlando's New Nighttime Show Includes Magic For Harry Potter Fans Until I Fell at First Sight Unwanted Comments on Your Instagram Posts? Here's How to Turn Them Off Entirely Updating My Story Urban Outfitters Is Selling Emoji-Shaped Vibrators Urban Outfitters Is Selling Mystery VHS Tape Sets Urban Outfitters Sells Emoji-Shaped Vibrators US-Based Airlines Ranked From Worst to Best Venus Is in Retrograde Right Now Visiting a Disney Park on a Hot Day? This Reusable Cooling Towel Will Be a Lifesaver Voting Is "the Bare F*cking Minimum Wait Want the Best Deal on Airfare This Year? Here’s Exactly When to Book Want to (Literally) Keep Track of Friends and Family? Enable This Phone Setting ASAP Want to Do Better By the Caregivers in Your Life? Here's Some Advice - and an App - For That Want to Go Vote but Need a Ride? Lyft Just Announced a New Election Day Deal Want to Talk Dirty in Bed? These Women Share Their Go-To Words Warning: Looking at This Hot 51-Year-Old Ex-Model May Cause Extreme Thirst Watch 40 of the Sexiest Country Music Videos Ever Made Watch Out For These Signs That Someone on a Dating App Is Married or Taken Watch Out: These Astrology Sign Pairings Are Most Likely to Cheat on Each Other Watch the Empowering Trailer For Netflix's Knock Down the House AOC Documentary Watch This Amazing Game of Thrones Fountain Show to See the Night King Go Up in Flames Watch What Happens When 39 Women Come Together to Make a Music Video About Sexual Assault We Are Totally Buggin' Over This Retro Pink Phone Pool Float Straight From the '90s We Asked We Bet She'd Trade In Her Glass Slippers We Can't Let Men Accused of Sexual Assault Appropriate Victimhood We Can't Stop Looking at This Couple's Steamy Mystic Hot Springs Photo Shoot We Couldn't Resist We Don't Know If We're More Floored by This Hawaiian Wedding Venue or the Bride's Gown We Don't Know What's Hotter: the Desert Setting of This Engagement Shoot or the Couple's Chemistry We Found 10 Perfect Pieces to Pack We Found 13 of the Prettiest Options Imaginable We Found All the Bags You Could Possibly Need When You're Traveling We Guarantee That You Will Find This Sunrise Beach Wedding Absolutely Mer-mazing! We Have 3 Words For You: Wedding Bouncy Castles! We Just Found the Cutest Affordable Luggage From Target We Need More Female Asian Role Models We Need the Biggest Bag Imaginable We Out Here: An Open Letter From POPSUGAR Editors We Owe It to the Women Who Fought For Our Right to Vote to Get to the Polls We Weren't Ready For the Genius That Is Oprah's Favorite Tech Gifts We're All About Celebrating Galentine's Day With Your BFFs We're Comin' For You! We're Crying Over These Ugly Christmas Sweaters - They're All On Amazon and Under $40! We're Flying to the Tattoo Studio For 1 of These Tiny Star Wars Ink Ideas We're in "Shoulder Season" - Here's How It Can Help You Save on Travel web website Wedding Champagne Walls Are So Pretty Wedding in Aisle 5! See Pictures From This Couple's Epic Costco Nuptials Wedding Planning Experts Say This Is When to Arrive at a Wedding Welcome Aboard What Betsy DeVos Doesn't Get About Sexual Assault on Campus What Everyone REALLY Thinks of Your "Haha" vs. "LOL" vs. "Hehe" Texting Choices What Happens When You Don't Have Enough Friends to Be Your Bridesmaids? What I've Learned From My Own Experience Dating While Disabled What Is It Like to Be in an Open Marriage? 1 Woman Shares Her Story What It Feels Like to Travel While Black What It's Like Living as an Asexual Transgender Guy What It's Like to Be Married to Someone With Anxiety What It's Like to Get a Hysterectomy as a Transgender Man What It's Like to Live in a Hurricane's Destruction After the World Stops Caring What It's Like When Abortion Is Forced to Go Underground - From a Woman Who Lived It What It's REALLY Like to Get a Penis Enhancement What?! The iPhone Calculator Becomes a Whole New Tool When It's in Landscape Mode What?! This iPhone Hack Will Unlock Your Hidden Deluxe Calculator Whatever You Do When Does the iPhone 11 Come Out? You Probably Don't Have to Wait Too Much Longer When I Was 12 When We're Traveling When You See These Airbnb Libraries Where Is the Asexual Representation in LGBTQ Pride? Where's My Passport? Whether You Belong to Gryffindor or House Targaryen Whether You're Gone For 2 Days or 2 Weeks Which Halloween Costume Is Best For Your Zodiac Sign? Which Tattoo Should You Get Based on Your Zodiac Sign? Who Do You See in This Picture? The Answer Is Important to Your Vision Who Is Running For President in 2020? Who Needs an Alarm Clock When You Can Just Watch the Most Woke Music Videos of 2018? Whoa! A Billionaire Shocked This Graduating Class When He Offered to Pay Off Their Student Loans Why an Astrologer Could Be the Secret to Finding Your Soulmate Why Being Single on Valentine's Day Is the Best Why Calling It Cannabis Why Did No One Tell Me There's a Hidden Way to Control Your iPhone's Blinding Flashlight? Why Disneyland's Haunted Mansion Is Better With The Nightmare Before Christmas Theme Why Do We Love to Scare Ourselves? An Expert on Fright Has Some Surprising Answers Why Every Woman Should Try Anal Play Why I Introduced a Drag Queen Superhero Into the Marvel Universe Why I Left the Pro-Life Movement Why I'm Glad I Broke Up With My Childhood Sweetheart Why I'm So Glad I Got My Heart Broken Why I'm So Glad That I Got Dumped on Valentine's Day Why Isn't Election Day a Holiday in America? Why More Young People Are Embracing Gender-Fluid Identities Why My Grandfather's Immigration Story Gives Me Hope Why Portland Why the End of the Honeymoon Phase Is Actually the Best Why the Women in My Family Don’t Scrub Floors Why You Should Take Your Kid on Vacation as Often as Possible Wi-Fi Will Register as Sex Offender For Life Will They Cheat Again? Windows windows 10 Winter Travelers! Here Are the Top 10 Can't-Miss Hot Spots For December Witches - Here's How to Throw a Harry Potter Bachelorette Party! Witches and Wizards Witches and Wizards: 103 Tiny With 1 Universal Studios Hollywood Ticket From Costco With Hair So Fine With This Simple Plugin Women Have Always Had to Step Aside - Why Can’t We Ask Male Politicians To Do the Same? Women Will Bear the Brunt of the Government Shutdown - Here's Why Wondering How to Take a Screenshot on Your New iPhone? Here's an Easy Step-by-Step Guide! Wondering What 2019 Has in Store For You? The Stars Have the Answer Wondering What the Best Black Friday Tech Deals Are? Shh . . . We Have a Sneak Peek Would You Ride This Dangerous-Looking 180-Foot Forest Slide? Wow the Men in Your Life With These Experience Gifts - No Wrapping or Assembly Required! Wow! You Won't Believe This Camper That Turns Into a Mini Boat Yellow Yep Yes You Absolutely Can Say "No" to Being a Bridesmaid - Here's How You Can Add People to an iPhone Note So Everyone Can Edit It You Can Add These 16 Gadgets to Your Cart Guilt-Free You Can Begin Earning Money on Your Purchases You Can Buy a Butt-Shaped Pillow on Amazon You Can Deck the Halls With Boughs of Sex Toys You Can Find Me Cuddling With This Heated Corgi Butt Seat Cushion You Can Now Get Anti-Anxiety "Beta-Blockers" Online - Are They Safe? You Can Now Get Married at the Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom You Can Send Disney Princess Bouquets For Valentine's Day You Can Sleep in a Giant Potato in Idaho You Can Stay in the Real-Life House From Steel Magnolias You Can Stay in the Real-Life Villa From Under the Tuscan Sun - No Renovations Required You Can Take Selfies With Friendly Quokkas on This Island You Can Visit the Park 3 - Yes You Can Win a Sleepover at the Freakin' Louvre Museum You Could End Up Saving Serious Dough You Don't Have to Be Princess Jasmine to Snag the Jewelry From Disney's Live-Action Aladdin You Don't Have to Neglect Your Workout Routine You Have to Really Love Sleep to Wear This Travel Pillow You Haven't Been Paying Attention You Kinda Can You Know the Bali Tree House That's All Over Instagram? Yeah You Need Sneakers - These Are Our 14 Faves You Need to Add These Desserts to Your End-of-Summer Bucket List You Need to Get Out of Your Relationship ASAP You Need to Read This You Should Be HAPPY You Broke Up You Should Never Use These Things as Lube You Should Take a Girls' Trip You Won't Be Able to Stop Staring at This Couple's Stunning Cannabis-Themed Wedding You Won't Believe This Fitbit Is $60 Off For Amazon Prime Day! You Won't Believe This Is a Backyard Wedding - but It Is! You'll Be Starry-Eyed Over This 1920s-Inspired Wedding - Complete With Showstopping Gown! You'll Crack Up When You See What These Zodiac-Inspired Pencils Say About YOUR Sign You'll Dream of Hogwarts in These Harry Potter PJs - No Sleeping Draught Necessary You'll Forget All About Fancy Weddings When You See This Couple's City Hall Nuptials You'll Have One Less Thing to Worry About You'll Love This Bookish Wedding You'll Never Not Pack Them Again You'll Never Travel Without Them Again You'll Never Want to Hide Them in Your Bag You'll Plan a Trip Faster Than You Can Say "Book It!" You'll Probably Try to Join in on the Fun You'll Start Toe-Tapping When You See How Easy It Is to Dress Like the Walmart Yodel Boy You'll Think It Came Straight Out of a Fairy Tale You'll Think This Couple Can Walk on Water (Seriously!) You'll Toss Those Dresses in the Trash You'll Toss Those Jeans in the Trash You'll Want to Steal These Communication Secrets From Happy Couples You'll Wish You Could Apparate to This Harry Potter Wedding! You're Doing It Wrong You're Going to Lose Your Mind Over This Ho You're Gonna Love Tribalist! You're Gonna Want to Try Them All! You're Guaranteed to Have the Best Time You're Seeing That Right - Here Are All the Amazing Deals on Amazon's Tech For Prime Day You're Seriously Missing Out You've Got Mail (Or at Least You Hope You Do You've Probably Never Heard the Incredible Story of This Heroic 9/11 Female Fighter Pilot Your 2019 Travel Bucket List: 40 Spectacular Destinations to Visit in the New Year Your BFF Will Lose It Over These 21 Adorable Gifts Your Dog Might Be a Secret Reggae Fan Your Holiday Suitcase Isn't Packed Without This Classic Shoe Your iPhone Tracks Your Frequent Locations Your Jaw Will Drop When You See This Sexy Lingerie From Walmart - All Under $20! Your Next Trip Is Covered: 18 Travel Jumpsuits That Are Comfortable Your Phone Just Got a Lot More Fun Now That Houseparty Is Adding Ellen's Heads Up! Game Your Summer Trips Won't Be Complete Without These 54 Perfect Travel Clothes Yours Youtube Zodiac Signs Who Make Great Lovers Zodiac-Themed Wedding Stationery Will Make You Thank Your Lucky Stars zones
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