The capabilities of technology today are seemingly endless. From apps that make meeting up with friends a breeze to ones that alert us of nearby crime in real time, the number of functions we get from tech gadgets is pretty impressive. That's why I wasn't too surprised to find out that there's a capability that allows you and your friends to see each other's locations on a map, no matter what type of phone you have, as long as you have one app.
Whether you want to use it for safety purposes to track your friend's trip on their way home from your place or to playfully keep tabs on each other when you're not together, follow the simple steps below to start sharing your locations with each other.
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If Your Friend Has a Google Account
Firstly, if your friend has a Google account, add your friend's Gmail address into your Google Contacts if their contact has not already been stored there. Next, use your phone or tablet to open your Google Maps app and sign in. (Quick tip: you can easily sign in to Google Maps by tapping "Menu" and then "Sign In.") After you log in, return to "Menu" and select "Location Sharing." Decide how long you want to share your location, and then select "Add People." Just a heads up, Google may ask you about your contacts, so be sure to allow them to have access if you'd like to go forward. Once you have chosen a person, select "Share," and voila! You're all connected.
If Your Friend Does Not Have a Google Account
If you would like to share your location with someone via Google Maps but you know that person doesn't have a Gmail account, no worries - you can easily still do so by simply sharing a location link with them. To retrieve this, all you have to do is sign into the Google Maps app, select "Menu," then "Location Sharing," and "Add People." Finally, select "Message" to send your whereabouts as a link. The link will let your contact know where you are for up to 72 hours.