First and foremost, thank you for subscribing to Extra Crunch.
I hope you feel like you’ve been getting value from the content our writers and guest contributors are creating, the events we’re producing and the podcasts we’re … podding. You truly are a member of our team.
It’s time to kick it up a notch
I began my career as an avid TechCrunch reader and remained one even when I joined as a writer, when I left to work on other things and now that I’ve returned to focus on better serving our community.
I know what it’s like to write, read and share the news of the day but my favorite part has always been spending time hanging out with some of you at events and gatherings. Unfortunately, the global predicament we’re in now with COVID-19 means we haven’t been able to connect in the ways that we’re used to.
We’re adapting
We’re going to be trying out some new things around here with the Extra Crunch staff front and center, as well as turning your feedback into action more than ever. As a subscriber, we quite literally work for you and want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth, as it were.
I’ve been chatting with some of the folks in our community and I’d love to talk to you, too. Nothing fancy, just 5-10 minutes of your time to hear more about what you want to see from us and get some feedback on what we’ve been doing so far.
These are just some of the things we’re discussing behind the scenes to bring all of you even more value:
- Discord server
- Virtual meetups
- Monthly workshops
- Chats with writers
- New perks
If you would be so kind as to take a minute or two to fill out this form, I’ll drop you a note and hopefully we can have a chat about the future of the Extra Crunch community before we formally roll out some of the ideas we’re cooking up.
Thank you again for your support. We’re looking forward to hanging out with you more, even if it’s just online for a little while longer.